Roxom: Trade Bitcoin, Challenge the Market and Earn Rewards


9 days ago




Roxom is introducing weekly simulated Bitcoin trading competitions, allowing participants to test their strategies in a Bitcoin-denominated market environment. With prizes of up to $5,000 USDT, these tournaments offer an opportunity to hone skills and compete on a level playing field.

Trading Competitions on Roxom

Roxom is preparing for its official launch in April 2025, and as part of this pre-launch, weekly trading competitions with simulated Bitcoin have been introduced.

These competitions allow participants to experience a new model of Bitcoin-denominated markets, applicable to stocks, ETFs, commodities, forex, and more, without the limitations of the traditional financial system.

How the Competitions Work

Upon registration, each user receives 0.5 BTC in simulated Bitcoin (no real value) to start trading. Competitions are held weekly and offer the opportunity to practice strategies, climb the leaderboard, and earn prizes. Depending on the event, prizes can reach up to $5,000 USDT.

The top five traders in each tournament will receive rewards, making each competition an opportunity to demonstrate skills and earn profits.

  • Winning Criteria

The goal is to achieve the highest possible Return on Investment (ROI) by using simulated Bitcoin in spot and/or derivatives trading. The five participants with the highest ROI at the end of each competition will be the winners.

ROI is calculated based on the percentage increase over the initial balance, ensuring that everyone competes on a level playing field regardless of their final balance.

Each competition will have a specific duration, which can be 3, 5, or 7 days or even longer. Participants can join at any time, unless the event rules state otherwise.

  • ROI Calculation

The Return on Investment (ROI) is measured based on the profit or loss generated in relation to the initial balance. The formula used is:

ROI = (Final Balance − Initial Balance) / Initial Balance

  • Calculation example:

A user who starts with 0.5 BTC and ends with 1 BTC gets a ROI of 100%.

Another user who starts with 0.3 BTC and ends with 0.6 BTC also gets a ROI of 100%, placing him in the same position in the ranking.

This system prioritizes strategy and decision-making over initial balance.

Note: Both spot and derivatives trading count towards ROI calculations in these competitions.

Help & Support

For more information, participants can visit the Help Center or contact Roxy, Roxom's virtual assistant. Should additional support be required, Roxy can connect users to a customer support agent.

🚀 Participate now and compete in the weekly ranking.





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