Shatterline: Valentine's Day Tournament - $10,000 in Prizes!

Yujuuu01 | OLA

a month ago




Love, Friendship, and Gunpowder

To celebrate this Valentine's Day, Soulbound in collaboration with Avalanche Gaming and Faraway has launched a 3-day tournament in Shatterline with great prizes to be won.

Tournament Schedule and Registration

Registration opens: February 10, 8:00 PM EST

Registration: Form

  • Day 1: February 14, 2025 - 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
  • Day 2: February 15, 2025 - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
  • Day 3: February 16, 2025 - 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM EST

Team Composition:

3 Players + 1 Substitute (player changes allowed only between tournament days)

How to Play

Prize Distribution

Event prizes totaling $10,000 consisting of:

  • USDC
  • Heavy Metal NFTs
  • Customized player cards + Dragon Skin
  • Engrams
  • Soulbound Nodes

Daily Winners:

  • February 14: 3 Soulbound Nodes for the first-place team.
  • February 15: 3 Soulbound Nodes for the first-place team.
  • February 16: 3 Soulbound Nodes for the first-place team.

Overall Winners:

  • First Place: $300 USDC and 3 Heavy Metal Shatterline NFTs
  • Second Place: $150 USDC
  • Third Place: $90 USDC


A Soulbound Node for a viewer who makes the most predictions in Soulbound.

Rules and Regulations

The Soulbound.TV x Shatterline Tournament adheres to the rules and regulations established by the Soulbound Community team, ensuring a fair and competitive gaming environment for all participants. Below are the key rules and regulations that participants must follow:

1. Game Setup:

  • All matches will be played on the latest version of Shatterline with default settings unless specified otherwise.
  • It is each individual's responsibility to ensure their game settings and equipment are in good condition before the match begins.

2. Game Format:

  • The format is 3-player PVE. Winners are declared by having the most points at the end of the set time during the tournament period.
  • Teams are free to run as many times as they want.
  • The overall winner will be based on the best performance of the team over the 3 days of the tournament.

3. Scoring:

- Team captains must submit a screenshot of their best match result in the Tournament-chat channel on the Soulbound.TV Discord for verification by moderators within 5 minutes after the match.

- The leaderboard will be based on team performance results in Extraction (Regular) mode from highest to lowest.

- Points will be based on the following criteria:

  • Sector bosses eliminated - 5 points
  • Contracts completed - 3 points
  • Secured supply deliveries - 1 point
  • World activities completed - 1 point
  • Lost supplies found - 1 point
  • Chosen ones looted - 1 point

4. Competitive Integrity:

  • Cheating, exploiting game bugs, and using unauthorized third-party software are strictly prohibited.
  • Teams must maintain the highest level of competitive integrity and adhere to the spirit of fair play.
  • Manipulating submitted screenshots will result in automatic disqualification.

5. Player/Team Disputes:

  • In the event of a dispute observed during a broadcast, individuals must immediately notify the tournament organizers for resolution.
  • Decisions made by tournament organizers regarding match disputes are final.

6. Schedule Compliance:

  • Individuals are expected to adhere to the schedule provided for their matches. Delays may result in penalties.

7. Broadcast and Recording:

  • All matches may be broadcasted or recorded by the tournament organizers for distribution or review purposes.

8. Prize Distribution:

  • USDC and NFT assets will be distributed within the month on the Soulbound.TV Discord server.
  • Soulbound Nodes will be distributed after the conclusion of the sale.
  • Complete information will be provided subsequently.

Discord de Soulbound Form





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