Win with the Shatterline Game Nights

Yujuuu01 | OLA

2 months ago




For content creators and/or people with a passionate community, the Shatterline Game Nights program is here. A program that seeks to incentivize and reward the Shatterline community through organizing live game competitions, both in PVE and PVP (Kill Race or Win Race). Priority will be given to communities and organizers from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Peru, and Argentina. Here are the guidelines and incentives that will be granted.

Event Duration

Each activity is preferred to have a minimum duration of 2h 30 min, allowing not only the realization of some ideas proposed in this document but also generating engagement with the community and the game.

What kind of activities are proposed?

Currently, there are two limitations: the lack of customized servers for private matches and the limitation of servers in some specific cases due to reasons beyond the event's organization. For this, three different methodologies are proposed to generate engagement with the community:

1 PVE Competition

A PVE tournament is proposed, which has already shown in the December event to be something that players enjoy and has no limitations either by ping or shooting skill. Players' skills are solely based on managing and teamwork. The game night should have a minimum of 8 teams of 3 people competing simultaneously in Discord or in the main communication channel. A basic guide on how to carry out this type of tournament includes:

  • Use the Shatterline codes provided in the communications so that everyone downloads the game and registers on the desired platform;
  • On the day of the event, enter all participants into a single voice channel to interact, answer questions, and talk about the game on stream;
  • If more convenient, before starting the tournament, distribute the teams into different voice channels or modify their aliases to identify each team and request that everyone share their screens;
  • The tournament is easy to carry out: 3/4 extractions will be done at the intermediate or advanced level, each with a time measured by the administrator (suggested 30/40 minutes maximum). Teams must perform the maximum number of activities on the map (according to their skill and convenience) and extract before the measured time; if they stay inside, their score is 0. Once extracted, the team's overall score will be the sum of the GEARS, which goes to the final table, and kills will be noted for a potential tiebreaker.
  • Repeat the sequence until the final match.
  • Recommendations: for streaming the event, as everyone is sharing their screens, you can show each team's strategies and even talk with the teams about what they are doing, generating a good interaction between host and players.

2 PVP Competition (Kill Race - Win Race)

  • Use the Shatterline codes provided in the communications so that everyone downloads the game and registers on the desired platform;
  • On the day of the event, enter all participants into a single voice channel to interact, answer questions, and talk about the game on stream;
  • As it is a PVP tournament and there are no custom matches, the Unranked PVP mode will be used, allowing stacks of 5 or 6 players per team. It is suggested to distribute the teams by channels.
  • The tournament is easy to carry out: during the game night, a maximum number of matches or time is set, and the team that gets the most wins or kills will be the winner (this under the administrator's decision; wins are suggested).
  • Recommendations: for streaming the event, as everyone is sharing their screens, you can show each team's strategies and even talk with the teams about what they are doing, generating a good interaction between host and players.

3 Chill Night (no prizes - payment, with in-game incentives)

  • A third option is to have a chill night, where you chat with the community and help collect feedback and play together.
  • It is important to distribute game codes and provide incentives to those who meet certain objectives, such as linking their Faraway wallet and reaching level 10 (if they are new players), and Faraway will give them Coins. Another idea is to ask everyone for their Faraway ID and hold Engram raffles and open them live with the fans, showing that Engrams can generate earnings or explaining what the HV-MTL are and the importance of Faraway's gaming ecosystem.
  • You are open to exploring different ideas and proposing them, but the objectives are: to obtain new players, increase the player base in a specific country, generate new wallets or activity in the Faraway store, and educate the community about the benefits of web3 technology and how Faraway implements its game.

Organizer's Reward and Gratification

The current system only rewarded people who streamed the game, but it has been noticed that it is not enough to achieve the goals. Therefore, two ways are proposed to reward the organizer's effort: receiving double the pay per stream day and obtaining engrams according to their streamer tier. If you are not a streamer of the game but are bringing your community to Shatterline, here are the different event tiers and the proposed rewards:

  • Tier 1 (Small Event):

    • Event with +15 people
    • 30 USDC + 5 engrams - Organizer's Fee
    • 30 USDC - Competition Prize
    • 6 to 12 Engrams - Competition Prize
    • 5,000 Gold Coins - Competition Prize
  • Tier 2 (Small - Medium Event):

    • Event with +25 people
    • 50 USDC + 10 engrams - Organizer's Fee
    • 50 USDC - Competition Prize
    • 12 to 15 Engrams - Competition Prize
    • 10,000 Gold Coins - Competition Prize
  • Tier 3 (Medium Event):

    • Event with +45 people
    • 100 USDC + 15 engrams - Organizer's Fee
    • 100 USDC - Competition Prize
    • 30 to 45 Engrams - Competition Prize
    • 20,000 Gold Coins - Competition Prize
  • Tier 4 (Large Event):

    • Event with +80 people
    • 150 USDC + 20 engrams - Organizer's Fee
    • 150 USDC - Competition Prize
    • 50 to 60 Engrams - Competition Prize
    • 30,000 Gold Coins - Competition Prize

General Rules

  • The event must be communicated in Spanish on all social media.
  • A regulation must be created or help requested to create one for the competition, to avoid misunderstandings or problems with users.
  • Prizes will be delivered by Faraway, so it must be publicly stated that the prizes will be delivered in approximately 30 days.
  • If the event expectations are not met, no payment or claim rights will be recognized.
  • The event must have a minimum duration of 2 hours and must be streamed by the organizer or a partner.
  • Shatterline and Faraway must be included in any advertising images.
  • If audiovisual content is created and uploaded, it must be shared with Faraway and tagged on all social media.
  • All participants must provide their Faraway ID; it is mandatory.
  • Participants must be from the target countries of Faraway. Those who are not but are authorized are the rest of Latin America and Spain.
  • Participants who do not agree with the terms of service cannot participate in the event.
  • If the established points are not met, you will not be considered for future events.
  • The event request must be made to [email protected] and [email protected].

Disclaimer: By submitting any audiovisual material or sharing screenshots, you give up the right to use the image of your brand and the users that make up your community. Claims for the use of your name or brand when generating content will not be admitted. It must also be mentioned at all times that the event is supported by Shatterline and Faraway. Only if an official from Faraway indicates otherwise, this is the official character.

Remember to join the Faraway Discord for more information






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gamenightsshatterlinecomunidadcompetencias en vivopvepvpkill racewin raceduración del eventoactividadesservidores personalizadosmetodologíascompetencia pvetorneohabilidadadministrartrabajar en equipodiscordguía básicacódigos de shatterlineinscribirsecanal de comunicacióncompartir pantallanivel intermedionivel avanzadotiempo cronometradopuntaje globalkillsdesempateestrategiascompetencia pvpmodo de pvp unrankedstack de jugadoreslapso de tiemponoche de juegochill nightfeedbackincentivos in-gamefarawaytecnología web3premiacióngratificación al organizadortiers de eventosreglamento generalredes socialespremiosduración mínimatransmitidoimágenescontenido audiovisualparticipantespaíses objetivotérminos de serviciosolicitud del eventouso de imagendiscord de faraway

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