Wilder World - Exploring the Future of the Metaverse


2 months ago




What is Wilder World?

Wilder World is an immersive metaverse that uses blockchain technology, NFTs, and interactive experiences, creating a constantly evolving virtual world. Its main city, Wiami, allows users to explore, compete, and create in an environment full of opportunities. In this digital space, everything (from avatars to vehicles, clothing, land, and buildings) is represented as NFTs, which are tradable in the Wilder World Metaverse Market (WWMM).

The NFTs in Wilder World are of high quality and utility, designed to interact with the experiences within the metaverse. For example, vehicles called "Wheels" can be used for racing, transportation, or even as part of "Play to Earn" (P2E) strategies. Additionally, each NFT is linked to an industry managed by community DAOs, such as Kicks, Wheels, Crafts, Cribs, and more.

Wilder World’s Goals

Wilder World aims to become a self-sustaining "Network State" that promotes creativity, social interaction, and economic growth within the metaverse. Some of its key goals include:

  1. Create a vibrant and decentralized ecosystem: where users can interact, trade, and collaborate in an economy driven by NFTs.
  2. Establish virtual industries: as fundamental pillars of its economy, managed by community DAOs.
  3. Offer immersive experiences: such as Midnight in Wiami, a game that combines high-speed racing with a cyberpunk aesthetic in the metaverse.
  4. Lead innovation: in the use of blockchain technology, integrating on-chain assets and large-scale servers to ensure scalability and performance.

How did Wilder World reach this point?

The success of Wilder World has been driven by a combination of strategic collaborations, real-life events (IRL), and technological advancements:

  • Key Events: At GDC 2024, Wilder World caught the attention of web3 gaming influencers with its Midnight in Wiami racing experience. In New York, Wheels Arcade NYC was launched, a racing event that integrated crypto and gaming, rewarding participants with $WILD and strengthening its presence in the community.

  • Technological Evolution: Since the initial version of Midnight in Wiami, Wilder World has released eight significant updates improving physics, user interface (UI), artificial intelligence (AI), and more. It conducted massive tests with MetaGravity technology, demonstrating its ability to support up to 10,000 simultaneous active players.

  • Content and Communication: Initiatives like The Wilder Wheels Show and Dev Logs have kept the community informed and engaged with every step of development.

How to Access Wilder World?

Accessing Wilder World is easy and will be even more accessible thanks to collaborations with major brands. Currently, you can enter through early access from the Epic Games Store, where the Midnight in Wiami racing experience is available.

  • Steps to access: Download Wilder World from the Epic Games Store. Ensure you have compatible system specifications for optimal performance. Stay updated with new features like avatar creator, on-chain integration, and more.

Wilder World will soon release several versions (0.6.0, 0.7.0, and 0.8.0) in a single joint launch, which will include an open world, combat, and racing. This will mark a milestone in its development, ensuring a complete metaversal experience.






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