Recent Updates and Changes in Shatterline!


3 months ago




Shatterline continues to improve the player experience with a series of important updates. These include changes to queue times, adjustments to ranking, new game modes, a focus on community moderation, and overall experience improvements. Below, we present the most important details of these updates.

Improvements in Game Modes and Ranked Play

With the arrival of the latest update, Shatterline servers are back online after maintenance aimed at improving several aspects of the game:

  • Versus Mode: The Versus and Ranked modes have been merged. The Conquest mode has been added, and now players have the option to disable one of the three modes they do not want to play.

  • Changes in Ranked: The losing team will no longer be penalized if a player abandons or disconnects, while the winning team will continue to receive full VP.
    The player who abandons will receive a -200 VP penalty and a 30-minute restriction.

  • Stagger: Now, receiving shots will reduce the player's speed, but it will not stop them completely, making the game more dynamic.

  • Changes to Snipers: Bolt-action snipers now have lethal headshot shots, while shoulder and below shots are no longer lethal.

Sanctions, Moderation, and Community Changes

Shatterline has also implemented new moderation policies to maintain a fair and healthy gaming environment:

  • Inappropriate Behavior: Abandoning PvP matches before they start has been a recurring issue, and now Shatterline asks players to report any inappropriate behavior using the available reporting tools in the game.

  • Sanctions Policy: Sanctions for inappropriate behavior, such as chat abuse or abandoning matches, are detailed. Violations may result in restrictions on chat, matchmaking, or even permanent bans, depending on severity.

  • Servers: Recently, the BR and NA servers were merged to form the "Americas" server as part of an experiment to improve matchmaking times. This period has now ended, and both servers can now be viewed separately again.

  • Win-trading: Win-trading occurs when players from opposing teams agree to let each other win in order to accumulate points unfairly. This practice is strictly prohibited . Sanctions include permanent bans and the loss of access to rewards.

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