New Challenge in Off The Grid! The First DISCORD QUEST


3 months ago




Off The Grid (OTG) is a third-person shooter battle royale game that combines player-versus-player (PvP) combat with player-versus-environment (PvE) missions. In OTG, up to 150 players face off on an island called Teardrop, where every player's decisions directly impact the game's narrative.

New! The Discord Quest is Here

The first Discord Quest is now live. From January 6 to January 13, players have the chance to complete this special mission and unlock the exclusive Impact Junkie set.

To participate in this mission, follow these steps:

  1. Enable game activity on Discord: Make sure to turn on the activity privacy setting in Discord. This will allow your Discord status to update to "Playing Off The Grid" while you're playing.
  • On PC: Keep the Discord app running in the background while you play.

  • On consoles: Make sure your Discord account is linked to your console. Check these guides for help: PlayStation or Xbox.

  1. Accept the mission: Go to User Settings > Gift Inventory > View Quests and accept the OTG mission.
    (Click here to view the quest)

  2. Play OTG for more than 15 minutes: You'll see a progress bar in the quest menu indicating how close you are to completing the challenge.

How to claim your reward?

Once you’ve played for more than 15 minutes, the quest will be marked as complete. You can then claim your reward as follows:

  1. Go to your Gift Inventory on Discord to get your code.
  2. In Off The Grid, go to Account Settings > Promo Codes and enter your code.
  3. The Impact Junkie set will be available in HEXES / Pro.
Remember, you can redeem your code until March 6, 2025.


Having trouble claiming your reward?

If you encounter issues completing the quest, contact Discord support. For problems redeeming the code or with OTG items, reach out to our support team.

Note: Discord Quests are restricted in some regions. If you cannot access the Gift Inventory or see the OTG quest, you may not be eligible to participate.


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