Win with Shatterline!

Yujuuu01 | OLA

2 months ago




Preseason Rewards at Shatterline

What would a web3 game be without the precious incentives offered by blockchain technology? Well, Shatterline masterfully handles this topic, as it presents a way for any player to enjoy this wonderful action-packed game, while also providing those players interested in this technology the opportunity to earn rewards on the blockchain.

Players will earn rewards based on their position in the leaderboards, showing that all players can participate and have a great opportunity to receive a good payout, including prizes in USDC.

Expeditions (PVE) Prize Ranking

Each week there will be a new Expedition Leaderboard with rotating prizes. The level is determined by the amount of gears that the player and their squad collect during each expedition. The first leaderboard will be a 4-day preseason leaderboard that will give players time to get used to the game and progress before the official leaderboards with prizes begin on Wednesday, December 11 at 9 am GMT-0.

Competitive Prizes Ranking (PVP)

Each month there will be a new Leaderboard for competitive PVP gameplay. The PVP mode rotates every month. The first leaderboard will be a 4-day preseason leaderboard that will give players time to get used to the game and progress before the official leaderboards with prizes begin on Wednesday, December 11 at 9 am GMT-0.

Preseason start: December 9 at 9 am UTC.

Expeditions (PvE) Weekly Ranking - Season 1

Each week there will be a new Expedition Leaderboard with rotating prizes. The level is

determined by the amount of gears that the player and their squad collect during each expedition.

Competitive Ranking (PvP) Monthly Prizes - Season 1

Each month there will be a new Leaderboard for the competitive PVP game. The PVP mode rotates every month.

Prizes within the blockchain

In addition to cash prizes and valuable resources within the game, there is also the possibility of obtaining engrams, resources that have considerable importance within the blockchain as they are used to obtain HV-MTL points that will later be converted into the HV-MTL token, an IP token among games that are part of the Faraway ecosystem.

Engrams also produce rewards in the form of fault keys and ascension material that can be exchanged in the Faraway Store.

  • The player must obtain engrams from the Shatterline leaderboard events

  • Open the Engrams in the Rift Decoder at the HV-MTL Points Portal

  • Receive keys, ascension material, or rift crystals

Video in HTML5

Explanation of HVMTL points

Compete and win

Shatterline offers players not only a frantic competitive and fun experience, but also a great opportunity for those more dedicated players. What are you waiting for to enjoy Shatterline? Download it now and compete for great prizes!

Download now





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