Elderglade Brings NEWS for EVERYONE


a month ago




Elderglade, one of the most played retro Web3 games, has improved its reward system to benefit players and the community. With these changes, players can now earn more points by participating in the game and on social media.

Here are the main updates to the reward system.


More Points for Your Actions
Rewards for actions like liking posts on social media or completing daily missions have increased. For example, liking an important tweet can earn you up to 20,000 points.

New Social Tasks
Now you can follow partners, watch TikTok videos, join Telegram channels, and complete other tasks on social networks. Plus, downloading the app can grant up to 500,000 points.

More Challenging Daily Missions
Daily Missions are now more difficult, but the rewards are greater. You can earn up to 1,000,000 points by completing these more demanding missions.

Elderglade Rewards the Community

Elderglade has experienced remarkable growth in recent months. In just two months, it has surpassed 1,500,000 players, with over 4,000,000 matches played daily in more than 180 countries. Thanks to its presence on Google Play and the App Store, Elderglade continues to reach more players worldwide.

The reward system is also designed to help new players quickly get up to speed. Thanks to these improvements, newcomers have greater opportunities to earn points and compete fairly with veteran players.

This is just the beginning of improvements in Elderglade. The company continues to work on making the game an even more rewarding experience for all players.


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