Fishing Frenzy: Relax and fish big

Yujuuu01 | OLA

4 months ago




Developed by Uncharted and presented as a casual, simple, and relaxing game, where the objective is to catch the most valuable fish and climb a weekly leaderboard, Fishing Frenzy arrives with its first stage for everyone to play in their preferred browser.


The mission of Fishing Frenzy is to create a deconstructed and cozy role-playing game with a player-driven prosperous economy.

Fishing and much more

With such a clear vision of what the game is, the team seeks to fulfill this through different phases, the first of which is the one the game is currently in.

Phase 1: Fishing

Phase 2: Cooking

Phase 3+: Adventures, farming, and more

Fishing Frenzy understands well that an essential part of web3 games is profit-making, and that is why they create opportunities within the game. However, it is important to understand that most of the profits will be distributed among the most competitive players and those willing to take on greater risks.


As mentioned earlier, the game is quite simple, at least in this first stage. The player will have a character on board a small boat, equipped only with a hat.

colorful, some glasses that ooze style and the best cane at your disposal. You will have to cast the hook into the water to make a good fish bite, throw at the right moment, and show good synchrony to get a good fish that you can sell later.

Frenzy Mode

Frenzy Mode is a high-risk competitive game mode with a time limit in which the player must try to catch as many valuable fish as possible in a 2-minute time period. Winning in Frenzy Mode rewards players with ETH payments, in-game gold, and NFT chests. To play in Frenzy Mode, a payment ticket (0.001 ETH) is required, which can be purchased in the Frenzy Mode menu.


The economy of Fishing Frenzy is based on NFTs and ETH transactions.

Chests are tradable NFTs that can be opened to receive random rewards.

Chests come in four rarities (from common to legendary), and the most coveted reward will be Founders Rods, which will be a limited supply collection of NFTs.

Let's go fishing

Fishing Frenzy follows a cycle of selling fish, earning gold, and reinvesting that gold for better results. The player can

simply relax and have a good time or be more competitive and try to secure greater profits from in-game purchases through ETH that will allow you to buy energy, baits, and rods, which will give you greater chances to catch more valuable fish and, in turn, climb the leaderboard.

Have a good time in a lake full of fish waiting to be caught.





And find out the latest news


juego casualjuego de roleconomía prósperapescacocciónaventurasagriculturagananciasjugadores competitivosriesgopersonajebarcoanzuelopezmodo frenesíalto riesgolímite de tiemporecompensaspagos de ethoro del juegocofres nftticket de pagoeconomía basada en nftstransacciones de ethcofresrarezasfounders rodssuministro limitadovender pescadoganar ororeinvertir orocompras dentro del juegoenergíaceboscañastabla de clasificaciónlagopeces capturados

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