Play to Airdrop in Season 2 of Spellborne: Risk and Reward


4 months ago




Season 2 of Spellborne, titled Risk and Reward, introduces the Play to Airdrop (P2A) system as its main proposal. This monster-capturing MMORPG, developed by Mon Studios, allows players to earn $BORNE tokens by participating in activities such as PvP leagues, in-game purchases, and content creation, incentivizing constant interaction within its ecosystem.

Play to Airdrop (P2A): Participate and earn $BORNE tokens

P2A in Spellborne Season 2 is based on a model that rewards player participation in three main categories: Game, Store, and Content Creation. Here's how each one works:

  1. Game rewards
  • PvP Leagues: Participate in 1v1 battles to increase your ELO rating in leagues with badges (ranked). This will allow you to earn additional rewards such as enhanced monsters and access to exclusive events.

  • Task board: Complete daily missions and accumulate points that you can later convert into professional experience when professions are available.

  • Daily login: Keep your activity consistent to not miss out on bonuses.

  1. Store rewards
  • Make purchases within the game, such as season passes or chests, and accumulate points for each transaction.

  • Use creator codes when making purchases to also benefit the creators you support, who will receive a percentage of additional points.

  1. Creator rewards
  • Post content with the hashtag #SpellborneCreate on Twitter/X and participate in the distribution of points based on the visibility of your posts.

  • Stream the game on Twitch or YouTube to earn additional rewards. Featured creators may receive NFTs and other special incentives.

Season 2 Updates

In addition to the focus on P2A, Spellborne Season 2 includes several updates designed to enrich the players' experience:

  • PvP Leagues: New competitive and casual modes for players of all levels.

  • Achievement System: Currently in alpha, this system features challenges that grant exclusive rewards and track achievements in a chain.

  • Professions: Starting in December, players will be able to access skills such as mining, fishing, and farming, unlocking recipes and additional upgrades.

  • Guilds and Open Markets: The guild system is already active, while markets will arrive in 2024, allowing the exchange of monsters, masks, and items among players.

  • Mobile Update: Scheduled for early 2025, it will improve access to the global community.


Season 2 of Spellborne: Risk and Reward reinforces the Play to Airdrop (P2A) approach, providing players with various opportunities to earn $BORNE tokens through their active participation in the game. From competitions in PvP leagues to content creation and purchases in the store, every action has the potential to generate tangible rewards. With new features like professions and open markets, this season not only rewards dedication but also offers a more dynamic system for players to interact and benefit within the game ecosystem.





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