Forgotten Runiverse: Update on the "Crash the Runiverse" event


3 months ago




Event Delay

The Crash the Runiverse event, one of the most anticipated events of Forgotten Runiverse, will not be launched on the initially scheduled date. Scheduled for December, this event has been postponed until January 2025 due to critical issues discovered during internal testing. According to the developers, the tests revealed server configuration failures and security vulnerabilities, issues that require more time to be resolved to ensure a safe and smooth experience for players.

Compensations for Players

To mitigate the impact of this delay, the team behind Forgotten Runiverse has announced an extension of the event's duration. This will allow players more time to participate in the exclusive activities of "Crash the Runiverse". Among the main attractions are:

  • Airdrop of 21 trillion Quanta, a significant reward that promises to be one of the biggest incentives of the event.

  • The opportunity to obtain exclusive, mintable cosmetic armor sets available at the Memory Fountain.

This extension aims to compensate the community and ensure that all participants can fully enjoy the event when it is launched.


The delay of the Crash the Runiverse event may be an inconvenience for players, but it reflects Forgotten Runiverse's commitment to quality and security in the experience they provide. Despite the date change, the extension of the event's duration and the announced rewards are a show of consideration towards the community. With the launch now scheduled for January 2025, players can expect more details and updates in the coming weeks as the team works to ensure that the event meets expectations.





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