Everything About Guilds in RavenQuest


3 hours ago




Guilds in RavenQuest are an essential part of the game. Whether you decide to join an existing Guild or create your own, being part of an community not only enhances the gameplay experience but also increases your earnings through systems like Guild Fame, Guild Wars, and Guild Crests.

Joining a Guild

To create or join a Guild, you must have reached level 15 in the game. Joining a Guild is free. However, to obtain maximum rewards, it is recommended to acquire a Guild Crest (explained later). Joining a Guild grants access to group quests, event participation, and shared rewards.

¡OlaGG invites you to join the Official Guild in RavenQuest!

It's as simple as accessing the Guild menu, selecting the "join a guild" option, searching for the guild name "Ola Guild Games," and clicking the "apply" button. (The guild leader must accept your request.)

Creating a Guild

If you prefer to lead your own community, you can create a Guild from scratch. This involves additional responsibilities, such as recruiting members, managing strategies, and participating in Guild Wars. However, it also offers exclusive benefits for leaders and vice leaders.


The Guild Crest and Guild Earnings System

The Guild Crest is a key item within a Guild. Its primary function is to encourage participation and ensure that players who contribute the most receive greater rewards.

How to Obtain a Guild Crest

Players can obtain a Guild Crest by purchasing it with $QUEST. When a player acquires a Guild Crest:

  • 50% of the $QUEST used is staked. If the player decides to leave the Guild, this amount will be refunded.
  • 20% goes to the Guild leader.
  • 20% is distributed among the vice leaders (each can receive up to a maximum of 4%).
  • 10% goes to the Treasury, which can be used for special events, reducing the $QUEST supply, or reinvesting in the game economy.

This system incentivizes both players to actively participate and leaders to grow their community.

Guild Earnings and Rewards

Guild Fame is a system parallel to Personal Fame, meaning that players with a Guild Crest double the personal fame earned in the game for the benefit of their Guild.

Each week, Guilds receive $QUEST from a Guild Fame reward pool. The distribution of these tokens is as follows:

  • 80% of the pool is distributed among members with a Guild Crest, proportionally to their fame contribution.
  • 20% of the pool goes to leadership:
    • 10% for the Guild leader.
    • Each vice leader can receive up to a maximum of 2%.

This ensures that both members and leaders are fairly rewarded based on their level of contribution.

Guild Wars and Leaderboards

Guild Wars are a crucial component of PvP in RavenQuest. These weekly battles allow Guilds to compete for large amounts of Guild Fame and $QUEST.

Each Guild has a War Rating, which increases or decreases based on their war performance. Higher-ranked Guilds will face stronger opponents but will also earn greater rewards. This system encourages competitiveness and strategic planning, driving Guilds to continuously improve and recruit skilled players.

Additionally, players can earn $QUEST by reaching the top positions on the Leaderboards. These ranking boards not only reward the best RavenQuest players but also include weekly rankings to reward top-performing players each week.

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Balance Between Large and Small Guilds

Unlike other games where a few Guilds dominate the ecosystem, RavenQuest has designed a system that allows new communities to grow.

Each time a Guild Crest is purchased, its base price slightly increases. This creates a balance between large and small Guilds, ensuring that:

  • Large Guilds receive greater rewards due to their size and level of organization.
  • Small Guilds have a real opportunity to grow, as the cost structure encourages new leaders to form their own communities without being overshadowed by larger groups.


Tips and Strategies for a Successful Guild

If you want to maximize rewards and strengthen your Guild, here are some key tips:

  • Maintain an active community: Encourage participation in quests and weekly events.
  • Optimize Guild Fame: Prioritize activities that generate more fame for the Guild.
  • Organize strategies for Guild Wars: Design efficient tactics to improve your War Rating and earn more rewards.
  • Recruit committed players: A good team makes the difference between success and stagnation.
  • Communication and leadership: An active and organized leader can take their Guild to the top.

If you are a new player, we recommend reading the following guide to get started in RavenQuest. You can also join the game's channel on OlaGG's Discord.

Getting Started Guide OlaGG Discord






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