Illuvium Arena Gauntlet 1.5.0: Improvements and Adjustments in the New Update


2 months ago




Illuvium Arena Gauntlet's new 1.5.0 update introduces a number of gameplay improvements, balance tweaks, and UI optimizations. Notable new additions include the implementation of the Team Planner, a strategic system for planning team compositions, changes to the presentation of visual effects, and improvements to the combat experience.

Additionally, adjustments have been made to Illuvials, synergies, and augments to balance performance in matches. Below are all the changes in this patch.

Arena Improvements

  • Auto-Emotes for Winner Only: Only the player who wins the round will now automatically perform their emote, avoiding overlaps.
  • Opponent Milestone Notifications: A notification system has been implemented that informs about key opponent events such as level-ups and win/loss streaks.
  • Synergy Affected Hex Highlighting: Hovering over a synergy with area effects will highlight the affected units on the board.

New Tool: Team Planner

The Team Planner is a new strategy system that allows you to plan combinations of Illuvials and Armaments without interrupting the game. Features include:

  • 10-slot board to organize Illuvials.
  • Highlights in the in-game store to make it easier to acquire matching Illuvials or Armaments.
  • Ability to take a snapshot of the current board to quickly adjust strategies.

Visual and UI Improvements

  • Drone size increased based on win streak.
  • Default emotes automatically equipped.
  • Illuvials VFX optimization.
  • Default camera angle adjusted to improve board visibility.
  • UI update, including improvements to synergy descriptions and navigation tools.

Sound and Effects Improvements

  • Improved audio clarity and reduced hearing fatigue.
  • New sound effects in the Gauntlet Arena.
  • Updated sounds for several Illuvials.
  • Improved music transitions and battle board ambiance.

Balance Adjustments

Power Nerfs

  • Illuvials: Reduced health, damage, or duration of effects on Axolotl, Doka Air, Grilla S2, and Aapon.
  • Synergies: Adjustments to Enchanter, Spore, Tempest, Shock, Dust, Colossus, Revenant, Phantom, Verdant, Invoker, Mud, and Fire.
  • Augments: Decreased healing effects, shields, and attack speed on various buffs.


  • Illuvials: Increased damage to the Komodo Dragon lane and Turtles.
  • Synergies: Reinforcements to Earth, Nature, and Frost.
  • Augments: Improvements to Synaptic Booster, Arcane Counterblast, and Frost Bane.

Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Improvements

  • Fixes to Hyper Fighter, Komodo Dragon, and Fighter Lynx skills.
  • New Illuvials Sell Shortcut: Changed default key from "T" to "C."

**Illuvium Arena Gauntlet** patch 1.5.0 introduces key balance, UI, and gameplay adjustments, improving the overall experience. With strategic tools like the **Team Planner** and improvements to visual and audio effects, this update optimizes both competitiveness and immersion in the game.





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Illuviumarena gauntletactualizaciónjugabilidadbalanceoptimizacionesinterfaz de usuarioteam plannercomposiciones de equipoefectos visualesexperiencia de combateilluvialssinergiasrendimientopartidasemotes automáticosnotificaciones de hitoshexágonos afectadosherramientaarmamentostableroestrategiasvisualesinterfaztamaño del dronemotes predeterminadosvfxángulo de cámarauisonidoefectosclaridadfatiga auditivatransiciones musicalesambientaciónAjustes de balancenerfsaumentosbuffscorrección de errorescalidad de vidaparcheilluvium arena gauntletexperiencia general

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