Immortal Creed Anniversary Event: Rewards from December 8th to 22nd


3 months ago




Immortal Creed celebrates its first anniversary with a special event that promises to attract both veteran players and new enthusiasts alike. During season 27, from December 8 to 22, players will have the opportunity to earn exclusive rewards, participate in unique challenges, and enjoy new features that enhance the gaming experience.

Additional rewards for victories

The anniversary event introduces a bonus system that rewards players for their performance in daily battles. For every 10 daily victories, players will receive a Origins card pack as an additional reward. This bonus can be accumulated up to 7 times during the season, meaning that players can earn up to 7 card packs by completing a total of 70 daily victories.

It is not necessary to achieve all victories in a single day. Matches can be spread out throughout the event, allowing players to progress at their own pace without the pressure of playing daily.

In addition, new players who purchase a CREEDMARK with their first Creedit purchase during the season will receive 2 additional card packs, totaling 9 packs if they achieve the necessary 70 victories.

Prizes for the top players

For the most dedicated competitors, special prizes have been added to the top 10 positions on the season 27 leaderboard. This incentive rewards players with exclusive packs based on their final position at the end of the event.

Tabla de Posiciones y Recompensas
Leaderboard PositionReward
125 packs
221 packs
318 packs
416 packs
514 packs
612 packs
710 packs
88 packs
96 packs
104 packs

Towards one million battles played

The anniversary event also marks a significant moment in the game's history: approaching the one millionth battle in Immortal Creed. If this milestone is reached before the end of season 27, the rewards will increase significantly:

  • Bonus packages will be doubled, increasing the maximum total from 7 to 14.

  • An extra 30,000 VALUE will be added to the season's reward pool.

This incentive aims not only to celebrate the first anniversary, but also to strengthen the community and active participation in the game.

New game mode: Skirmish

In the midst of the celebration, Immortal Creed introduces the Skirmish game mode. This mode allows players to face off in custom matches against friends, selecting parameters such as rank, location, and card power limit. Players can decide whether to use any card in the game or restrict certain options, adding an additional strategic layer to the confrontation.

About Immortal Creed

Immortal Creed is an open-class card battle game that breaks traditional genre barriers. Instead of limiting card combinations by classes, it allows players to freely mix skills, weapons, and strategies to adapt to the conditions of each confrontation.

The game features a progression-focused reward system, motivating players to improve their performance and reach higher levels while collecting resources that can be traded in markets. Additionally, duplicate cards are an advantage, as they can be merged to improve statistics and unlock new abilities.


The Immortal Creed anniversary event is an excellent opportunity for players to explore new challenges, accumulate valuable rewards, and enjoy the innovations that enrich the game dynamics. The combination of strategic challenges, exclusive prizes, and the exciting new Skirmish game mode ensures that this season It will be memorable for all participants.





And find out the latest news


immortal creedaniversarioevento especialjugadores veteranosnuevos entusiastastemporada 27recompensas exclusivasdesafíos únicoscaracterísticas nuevasbonificacionesvictorias diariaspaquete de cartasoriginsacumularsejugadorescreeditsobrespremiosmejores jugadorestabla de clasificaciónposición finalpacksbatallas jugadashitocomunidadparticipación activamodo de juegoescaramuzapartidas personalizadasamigosrangoubicaciónlímite de poder de cartaestrategiabatallas de cartasclase abiertacombinaciones de cartashabilidadesarmasestrategiasprogresiónniveles más altosrecursosmercadoscartas duplicadasfusiónmejorar estadísticasdesbloquear habilidadesconclusión

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