League of Kingdoms Chronicle opens its open beta starting March 17


22 minutes ago




LOK Chronicle is a role-playing and strategy game where players lead a team of champions in tactical battles. With a mix of exploration, strategic formations, and automated combat, it offers a challenging experience.

Introduction to the game


Open Beta

The open beta of LOK Chronicle will begin on March 7, 2025. During this period, players can test new features and participate in exclusive events.

How to access the beta

  • Platforms: PC and mobile devices (iOS and Android)
  • Requirements: Pre-registration on the official website to gain access.

Pre-register here

Pre-registration benefits

Players who register before launch will receive:

  • A special $50 in-game item package.
  • Entry into $LOKA raffles.
  • Additional rewards as community milestones are reached.

Main features

Tactical grid combat

Players will form their team on a 3x3 grid, assigning strategic positions:

  • Tank (DEF): Reinforced defense on the front line.
  • Warrior (HP): Increased battlefield durability.
  • Assassin (Rogue): Offensive positioning to maximize damage.

Exploration and quests

  • Accept missions from the Quest Board.
  • Join forces with other players in guilds.
  • Explore maps with watchtowers, treasures, and power-ups.
  • Introduction of instant dungeons: A mysterious portal opens, transporting you underground, where glowing crystals light your path.

Boss encounters

Each stage ends with a battle against a powerful boss or a horde of enemies. Plan your strategy and claim great rewards!

  • New monsters await. ORC Berserkers are coming, bigger, stronger, and far more ferocious than goblins.

Pre-register now to get exclusive rewards and follow their social media to stay updated!

Official X Discord






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