Nifty Island launches user-created missions: participate in the Quest Master contest and win great prizes


2 months ago




The game metaverse Nifty Island has taken a big step by opening user-generated missions to the entire community. This new functionality not only encourages creativity and engagement among players, but also inaugurates the exciting Quest Master Contest, designed to reward the most outstanding mission creators with Blooms and exclusive NFTs.

In this article, we will explain in detail how user-generated missions work, the possibilities they offer, and how to participate in this unique contest.

What are user-generated missions in Nifty Island?

User-generated missions are a chain reward system that allows players to design and organize their own events on their islands. These missions can be casual or competitive and are designed to attract other players to explore and participate in unique activities.

By completing these missions, participants can earn various rewards, such as Blooms, a in-game currency that can be converted into $ISLAND tokens through the Play-to-Earn (P2E) system. At the same time, creators are also rewarded based on the activity generated on their islands.

Among the options for missions, creators can choose from relaxed and social events to competitive battles based on classic game modes like Capture the Flag, Infection, or Team Deathmatch. In addition, organizers can add prizes such as Blooms, Palm NFTs, ETH, $ISLAND tokens, or even custom user-generated content (UGC) assets to encourage participation.

This system will continue to be improved with new features and game modes, as revealed in the developers' roadmap.

How to participate in the Quest Master Contest

The Contest Quest Master, open from December 28 at 2 p.m. CST until January 2 at 2 p.m. CST, invites players to create missions that fall into one of the three main types:

  1. Bloom Battle

  • Competitions in competitive minigames known as playground games.

  • Players earn points based on their performance in modes like Capture the Flag or Team Deathmatch.

  • Participants must reach a minimum score to enter prize draws organized by the creator.

  1. Island Event

  • Designed for social and relaxed encounters on the creator's island.

  • Players earn points for exploring the island, socializing, and participating in draws.

  1. Time Trial

  • Missions focused on achieving the best times in specific challenges.

  • Points earned allow players to participate in prize draws.

Regardless of the type of mission, organizers can set the prizes, the amount of points needed to participate, and specific rules. However, all missions must be carried out on the creators' own islands.

Rewards and Participation Criteria

To ensure a fair event and prevent the use of bots, players participating in missions created by users must have at least 1000 $ISLAND tokens staked. This measure is automatically applied to all missions during the contest.

Rewards for the most outstanding creators are distributed according to participation percentiles:

  • Percentile 90-100:

  • 40,000 Blooms

Bronze Palm Draw

  • Percentile 75-89:

  • 30,000 Blooms

Iron Palm Draw

  • Percentile 50-74:

  • 20,000 Blooms

Two Legendary Guns Draw

  • Percentile 25-49:

  • 10,000 Blooms

Contest winners will be announced on January 3, 2025, and the Rewards will be sent within two weeks.


User-generated missions represent a unique opportunity for Nifty Island players to showcase their creativity and actively contribute to the development of this community in the metaverse. Additionally, the Quest Master Contest adds an additional level of excitement by incentivizing creators with attractive rewards.





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