Nine Chronicles Implements Proof of Stake: New Opportunities for Players


a month ago




Nine Chronicles, a decentralized game, is taking a big step into the future with the introduction of the Proof of Stake (PoS) system on Odin Planet. This change promises to improve security, decentralization, and player engagement, opening up new ways to interact with the game and earn rewards.

Throughout this article, we explore what Nine Chronicles is, how PoS works, and what benefits it brings to the community.

What is Nine Chronicles?

Nine Chronicles is a role-playing game (RPG) that allows players to explore a world inspired by Norse mythology. In this game, players take on the role of brave feline warriors who fight monsters, create their own team, and complete various adventures.

Unlike other traditional games, Nine Chronicles does not rely on centralized servers. Its world and economy are supported by an active community of players who participate in the governance and development of the game.

What is Proof of Stake (PoS)?

PoS is a consensus system used in blockchain networks, where participants secure the network through staking tokens.

Instead of using large amounts of energy as in Proof of Work (PoW), PoS rewards validators who have a higher stake in the network, incentivizing them to act honestly.

This change not only improves the security of the network, but also encourages decentralization, allowing for greater participation from users.

Benefits of the Transition to PoS

Increased Participation and Decentralization: By allowing more participants to act as validators, PoS strengthens the security and robustness of the network, removing the scalability limitations of previous systems.

Economic Incentives for Validators: Validators who secure the network through staking receive rewards for their contributions. These economic incentives ensure that validators behave in a transparent manner committed to the stability of the network. Increased Security and High Attack Costs: The PoS system makes attacks on the network more costly, as a large amount of tokens are required to attempt to manipulate the system, thus protecting participants.

The Future of PoS in Nine Chronicles

With the arrival of PoS on Odin Planet in Q4 2024, players will be able to become validators, participate in governance, and earn rewards for their activity on the network.

This transition will not only improve the security of the ecosystem, but will also open up new ways for players to interact and collaborate, with improvements to guilds and the reward system.

Staking and Guild Rewards

Staker Rewards: Players who participate in staking will receive rewards in the form of “Mead,” which can be exchanged for NCG. Rewards will increase in 2025, with an estimated APR of 33.36% for early participants.

Rewards for Validators and Guilds: Validators will be able to manage guilds and receive a percentage of the rewards generated by members. Guilds, in turn, will receive 10% of the NCG used by their members, incentivizing players to join active and engaged guilds.

Nine Chronicles' transition to Proof of Stake represents an evolution in its ecosystem, bringing with it more opportunities for the community and greater security for all participants.

As the game continues to grow and evolve, players have the opportunity to be a fundamental part of its development, taking advantage of the rewards and improvements that PoS brings with it.

This is an excellent opportunity for players interested in getting involved in a game that not only offers entertainment, but also active participation in its evolution.





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