Paravox: El shooter táctico con habilidades únicas y requisitos gráficos accesibles


4 months ago




Paravox is a shooter based on fast attack tactics and with "skills" that allow you to easily move around the map. Here you handle teams of 3 members. Its game system is based on something similar to COD's Hot Spot. Find out everything you need in this guide:

First steps: Installation and account creation You will need to have an Epic games account to download the game, for now it is in the trial version.


- To be able to log in to the game, create an account on their [official page] with your email. - Log in - Complete the tutorial After completing the initial guide, you will find yourself in the basic menu of the game, where you can access two sections for now, Locker (where you can customize your character with the NFT items that you unlock, earn or exchange soon) and Career (where you will find the basic information of your profile, similar to Free Fire). ![](

Movement and skills

  • Movement: The player can move using the W, S, A and D keys.
  • Jump: The jump is performed by pressing the space bar once for a normal jump and twice for a higher jump.
  • Dash: The player can perform a speed boost using the Shift key.
  • Big jump: The Ctrl key allows you to perform a mega jump.
  • Aim with the right click and shoot with the left click. Try to use all the movements that the game offers together to cover the map in less time. Likewise, the Dash is one of the best moves to avoid enemy fire when they are at the meeting point.

Respawn and zones

Be careful when dying, the higher the round (which increases every time the location point changes), the longer the respawn time will be, reaching a maximum of 1 min and 20 sec in round 15. The zones constantly change location. If you are close to round 5-6, eradicating all members of the opposing team means a sure victory, given the respawn time and the possible points accumulated.

Weapons and skills

  • Here you can find everything from basic weapons from all Shooters, to swords, which invite hand-to-hand combat. Depending on the style of play, the game will develop. However, it is necessary to know how to adapt and have an armed strategy.

  • These weapons are known in the game as "Marks", and each of them has two abilities to activate that can change the course of the game. Only one weapon can be selected at the start of each game, they are completely free and everyone can choose any of those offered.

  • It is recommended to equip the weapons according to those that the team carries. However, it is not recommended to use precision rifles for now, it is complex to handle them due to their sensitivity at this stage of the game.

Tutorial and game modes

  • The best thing is to do the tutorial, it doesn't take more than 10 minutes and it's a complete introduction to the basic mechanics of the game.
  • The game is based on teams of 3.
  • It has various yappings that can be activated with the 1, 2 and 3 keys.

  • To start a game, you just have to press play, where you will find the game modes:
  • Casual Match: The casual game match, looking for battle with random people.
  • Custom Game: Where each player can create their own game arena.
  • Training: Where you can practice mechanics (tutorial) and shooting.

Graphics and transaction requirements

The best thing about this game is the graphics requirements. Unlike OTG, which is a great game with a promising future but requires high-end graphics, this one can run on a laptop with basic specs, even without a dedicated graphics card.


This game will be launched on the Solana network, so transactions should not be expensive. Missions can also be found on Discord, which will reward clothing or other items for the character.

¡Get ready for action and show off your skills in Paravox!





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shootertácticas de ataque rápidohabilidadesequipos de 3 miembrospunto calienteinstalacióncreación de cuentaepic gamesversión de pruebaprimeros pasoslockercareerpersonalizar personajeitems nftmovimientosaltodashgran saltoapuntardispararrespawnzonasarmasmarcasestrategiatutorialmodos de juegocasual matchcustom gametrainingrequisitos de gráficostransaccionesred de solanadiscordmisionesacciónparavox

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