Pixel Heroes Adventure Launches Its Validator on the Ronin Network


4 hours ago




Pixel Heroes Adventure has announced the launch of its validator on the Ronin network. This new addition allows users to delegate their assets and participate in the blockchain's validation ecosystem. This also allows users to secure potential rewards for Season 2 within the PHA ecosystem, as is customary among validators.

Validator Revenue Distribution

The revenue generated by the validator is distributed as follows:

  • 40% for game development.

  • 30% for validator operations.

  • 30% to the project treasury.

This scheme allows for continued game development, ensures optimal validator performance, and strengthens the Pixel Heroes Adventure ecosystem.

Participation and Benefits

Users can stake with the Pixel Heroes Adventure validator and earn benefits within the ecosystem. Details on the rewards and benefits available to participants will be announced soon.

To access the validator, it can be done from here:


Lunar Collection 2025 Winners

The Lunar Collection 2025 season has ended, and the prizes have been awarded to players. Both guild and individual rewards are available in the in-game mailbox. If you don't receive them, it's recommended to reconnect or switch servers to check.

Pixel Heroes Adventure thanks all participants and will continue to offer in-game events and opportunities. Additionally, as a community OLAGG, we managed to reach number 8! Congratulations to all community members.





And find out the latest news


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