Play to Airdrop $IMT in season 2 of Immortal Rising 2


2 months ago




The second season of Launchpool in Immortal Rising 2 has brought new missions that players can complete until January 9th. These missions offer the opportunity to earn soulbound tokens (SBT), which increase the chances of securing a larger share of the $IMT 50 million reward pool. Additionally, by registering daily and completing tasks, you can collect ORBs and receive an even larger airdrop before the official token launch.

What's New in Season 2 of Immortal Rising 2's Launchpool

This new season, part of the Path of Ascension (P2A) campaign, introduces two main tracks:

  • ORB Impact Track: 25 million $IMT available.

  • Soulbound Token Track: Up to 25 million $IMT.

These tracks, with a reward pool equivalent to 5% of the total $IMT supply, reward players who collect more SBT and ORBs, in addition to registering daily.

Key Features of Season 2:

  • New daily missions: Complete in-game tasks to earn up to 40 SBT during the season.

  • Milestone bonuses: Get additional SBT by maintaining streaks of daily check-ins (7, 14, and 30 consecutive days).

  • Social and in-game tasks: Collect ORBs by completing various activities.

The competitive period ends on January 9th, but daily check-ins and ORB accumulation will be available until the Token Generation Event (TGE).

How to Participate in the Play to Airdrop Campaign

If you have already participated in the first season and claimed the SBT from Immortal’s Awakening, you can continue with your progress. For new players, here are the steps to get started:

Set up your Immutable Passport: Create or link your account on Immortal Vault using Google, Apple, or your Immutable Passport.

Download Immortal Rising 2: Available for free on Play Store and App Store. Connect your accounts: Make sure to use the same Immutable Passport for both your game account and Immortal Vault.

Sign up and complete missions: Perform daily tasks on the official site to claim your rewards. This system ensures that all your missions and rewards are properly linked, making it easier to claim SBT on Immutable zkEVM.

Rewards and Next Steps

Currently, the Soulbound Token Track fund amounts to $15 million in $IMT, but it can reach $25 million if the active daily player base exceeds 150k. Developers plan to reveal more details about exclusive benefits for $IMT holders and additional prizes for top players in the coming weeks.

Are you ready to seize this opportunity? Join season 2 of Immortal Rising 2, complete missions, track your daily progress, and secure your share of the $50 million in $IMT rewards. Visit the official site, set up your account, and start playing now. Time is running out, and the airdrop is waiting for you!

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