Get ready for Open Beta Season 3 and dominate The Machines Arena’s Ultimate League!


3 months ago




The Machines Arena is an exciting top-down hero shooter that combines intense 4v4 combat in PvP modes and solo PvE challenges like “Death Run.” Players can choose from nine unique heroes, each with special abilities and distinct roles, to face off in fast-paced, strategic battles.

The Ultimate League will launch as part of Open Beta Season 3 (OBS3), offering competitive challenges and a chance to put your $TMA tokens to work after the Token Generation Event (TGE).

Here’s everything you need to know about the Ultimate League and what’s coming to OBS3.

What is the Ultimate League?

The Ultimate League is a new tokenized game mode for players who want to level up their heroes, compete in intense battles, and earn valuable rewards.

By introducing this mode separately, we're keeping ranked play balanced while creating a Web3-powered space to explore new progression mechanics.

Key Features:

  • Build your Ultimate Heroes: Create custom builds of your favorite heroes, level them up, earn upgrade points, and improve stats like damage, health, and speed.

  • Rewards and Boosters System:
  • Earn League Points through matches and milestones.
  • Earn Crates, Keys, Skin Shards, and more after each match.
  • Weekly Points Goals award Tokens, and VIP players benefit from accumulated progress.

  • Collect special items like Hero Shards, Meta Tech Items, and Boosters to power up your heroes.
  • Level-Based Parties: Queue up for hero level groups for fair competition.
  • Create Your Ultimate Heroes: Hero Customization and Progression
  • Create a custom build for each hero and level them up beyond their base form, unlocking new potential. Plus, use power-ups to improve them even faster:

Hero Fragments and Meta-Tech Items: Use these new items to promote heroes and increase their level up to a maximum of 50.

  • Stat Boosts: Customize your heroes with power-ups to increase key stats like damage, cooldowns, and movement speed.
  • XP Books: Speed ​​up hero leveling with consumable XP items.
  • Post-Match Rewards: Discover the power of Crates

Crates are your gateway to rare and collectible items. In OBS3, you can expect:

  • 3 types of crates: Uncommon, Rare, and Epic.
  • Limited Crates: High-value items that require keys, which can either appear in-game or be purchased.

Open Beta Season 3: What else is in store?

Ultimate League isn't the only feature coming to OBS3. Here are some of the other cool things we're getting ready to release:

  • Improved Matchmaking: Enjoy smoother, fairer matches tailored to skill and progression.
  • Double XP Weekends - Boost your hero progression with Double XP events on weekend days.
  • New Skin Sets - Tons of new skins to unlock and mint to customize your heroes' appearance
  • New Familiars and Familiar Types - Familiars will now feature new skill boosts, adding more ways to build your ultimate hero.

When is Season 3 coming?

Since Ultimate League is tied to the $TMA token system, OBS3 will launch shortly after the TGE event. While there is no set date yet, the team is hard at work ensuring that TGE is a success and that Open Beta Season 3 is fully prepared for its rollout.

Get ready to level up your heroes and unlock tokens and rewards!





And find out the latest news


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