[From: Lithe] Last Memories on Ronin


2 months ago




Last Memories has taken a significant step by expanding to the Ronin network. With over 500,000 downloads, a prominent position in app stores, and compatibility with Windows PC, the game continues to grow.

What is Last Memories?

It is an MMORPG roguelike set in a Tokyo devastated by an event known as the "Great Collapse". In this ruined city, mirrors have appeared, portals that connect to another world full of dangers. To restore order, a special unit has been formed: the DOLLs, a squadron of girls trained for battle.

Players take on the role of commanders, leading the DOLL Squadron to face creatures and uncover the mysteries behind the collapse. As they progress, they explore the connection between the DOLLs, the mysterious Gate, and the unknown world on the other side.

Gameplay and Character Development

The game offers a roguelike mode, where each battle strengthens the DOLLs. During their progression, players can:

  • Explore dungeons with random events.
  • Acquire skills at each level to customize the DOLLs.
  • Obtain special equipment with unique effects that enhance each character.
  • Face advanced content, such as powerful bosses, PvP battles, and GvG.

Trained DOLLs can evolve into Master DOLLs, ready for even greater challenges in the game.


Game Model and Economy

Last Memories is a free-to-play (F2P) game that integrates Play-to-Earn (P2E) mechanics. Players can earn rewards in the form of:

  • NFTs of DOLLs, which allow to obtain benefits within the game.
  • Land NFTs, which generate passive income.
  • GEEKBOXes and xGEEK, key elements within its ecosystem.

The game adopts a unique token model, with an economy designed to minimize volatility and maintain a stable reward system.

Episode 0: A First Look at the Story

The prologue of the main story, Episode 0, is now available.

Sana Godai, an ordinary girl, sees her life transformed when she encounters Logios, the DOLLs, and the unknown world of Elysian. Through her journey, she discovers the secrets behind the collapse of Tokyo and her own destiny as a DOLL.



With its arrival on Ronin, the game seeks to expand its community and strengthen its ecosystem, offering new opportunities to players and NFT collectors.

Last Memories is available for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

App Store Play Store Windows






And find out the latest news


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