Earn AXS with Ronin Wallet Bounties – Cerastes Upgrade Launch


5 days ago




Ronin Wallet has launched new rewards in collaboration with the Axie MMO, Atia’s Legacy. The first 80,000 users to complete the task can earn 0.25 AXS each. Rewards will be delivered within a few days after completing the activity.

Key Points

  • Missions within Ronin Wallet are introduced to encourage participation in Atia’s Legacy.
  • Players must repost the game trailer on X and join the Axie Discord.
  • Rewards will be received within a few days after completing the task.
  • Encourages users to explore the Ronin ecosystem and discover Atia’s Legacy.

Download Ronin Wallet


How to Complete the Bounties

  1. Open your Ronin Wallet on mobile or desktop.
  2. Go to the "Bounties" tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select "Atia’s Call to Arms".
  4. Follow the bounty instructions:
    ➤ Share the game trailer on X from your account.
    ➤ Join the Axie Discord.
  5. Wait for confirmation and receive your reward within a few days.
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Cerastes Upgrade Arrives on Ronin on March 17

The Cerastes Upgrade will be implemented on Ronin on March 17, 2025, at block 43447600. This update introduces the Venoki hard fork, aligning Ronin with Ethereum’s Shanghai and Cancun changes, improving efficiency and storage for validators and RPC nodes.

Network Changes or Impact

  • EIP-1559 is enabled, allowing part of the RON gas fees to be directed to the Ronin treasury.
  • Increase in contract size to 32 KB, facilitating more complex deployments.
  • Storage improvements with the new Path-Based Storage Scheme, optimizing disk usage and synchronization.

Key Considerations

  • Impact on gas fees: More predictable transaction costs are expected.
  • Ronin’s sustainability: The network could collect up to 3M RON per year for its treasury.
  • Better performance for validators and RPC nodes, reducing storage redundancies.

Update Before March 17!

If you operate a validator or RPC node, update to Cerastes before March 17 to avoid interruptions.

Update to Cerastes






And find out the latest news


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