Pixel Update: AMA, Moki Event, and Winemaking News


3 months ago




AMA Recap November 27, 2024

After a week of uncertainty without an AMA, Luke and Heidi are back with new changes and promises that continue to improve the gameplay in Pixels. Find out more about the future of the game here: Main Announcements:

  • December and January will be key months with the release of new features.
  • The priority remains strengthening the foundations of Web3 gaming.
  • The game has achieved $10.93M PIXEL in revenue in the last month, with continued growth.
  • Creator Codes will be introduced soon to support content creators. Upcoming Updates:
  • Task Board: Animal Care Skills will be added.
  • Wines in PvP Mode: Adjustments are planned to encourage competition in T3 and T4 level industries, especially in the chase mode in the wine industry.
  • Holiday Events: A Christmas-themed carnival with exclusive mini-games is coming, however, the carnival tickets you have so far will not be able to be used. AMA Featured Questions:
  • Bulk Recipes: VIP players can now batch-prepare recipes, such as wines, to optimize time and efficiency.
  • Guild Wars V2: Coming early December with massive rewards.
  • New Pet Game: In development and scheduled to open in Early Access within 12 weeks.
  • Moki Mayhem: A Special Event in Terra Villa

Moki Mayhem has arrived in Pixels with themed activities centered around the Moki Genesis NFTs. You can enjoy:

  • Moki Pochi Snack Hunt: Explore Terra Villa and find the 11 hidden snacks to get an exclusive decoration and a chance to win a Moki Genesis NFT. To activate the quest for this event, you must first go talk to Hantao, who will explain the theme to you. With that, you just have to look for the snacks. You can find them in these locations:
  • 2 in Terravilla: 1 to the left of the theater and 1 to the left of the drunken goose in the tree.
  • 1 in Ministry: 1 indoors.
  • 2 in Carnival: 1 on the race track and 1 behind the bee trailer.
  • 2 on the Beach: 1 down to the right between the trees and 1 on the bridge to the left.
  • 2 in the soccer field: 1 at the bottom left of the field, next to the giraffe and 1 at the bottom right of the field.
  • 1 in Guild Castle: 1 to the right, by the garden.
  • The "hardest" one you'll find in land 119. Once you have all 11 in your possession, you'll just have to talk to Hantao again, who will give you a beautiful decoration for your house and the chance to win a Moki Genesis NFT.
  • Moki Fashion Show: Show off your Moki-themed style.
  • Energy Party: To close the week with the entire community. Find the time and more details on the event board in Pixels

Update on Wine Production: Bulk Recipes

One of the most talked about new features is the reinstatement of wine production in batches of 12 units. This VIP-only change allows:

  • Time savings: Normally making 12 units would take you more than two hours, making them in bulk will only take you 1h:50m.
  • Improved efficiency: ideal for those looking to maximize their production in less time. This adjustment reinforces the value of the VIP in-game, by offering exclusive advantages and greater optimization in repetitive tasks. Exclusive recipes for land owners are also expected in the future.

See you in Terra Villa!





And find out the latest news


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