Big Time is releasing its highly anticipated PVP mode with bets on December 2nd


3 months ago




On December 2nd, Big Time Studios will introduce a new PVP mode with betting for its popular multiplayer RPG, Big Time. This new feature promises to elevate the game's action to a more competitive level, pitting players against each other in intense battles for rewards in BIGTIME tokens, the in-game currency.

The advancements

Since its early access launch in 2020, Big Time has been constantly evolving, earning a prominent place among games of its genre. Its proposal combines dynamic combat, dungeon exploration, and the possibility of obtaining rewards such as NFTs and tokens in an environment that blends adventure and teamwork. During its preseason, the numbers showed the game's impact:

  • Over 1.4 million unique users and 310,000 active players in the preseason.
  • The market generated over $443 million thanks to the participation of 60,342 buyers.
  • Over 2 million NFTs sold and rewards that averaged $4,170 per player.

How will the PVP mode work?

The new PVP mode features a betting system where teams use BIGTIME tokens to access special portals. Once inside, they will face off against other teams and enemies in battles that last between 30 and 45 minutes. The team that emerges victorious takes home the accumulated prize, adding an element of risk and strategy to each match. This new challenge not only demands combat skills but also good teamwork and careful planning to increase the chances of success.

A great

A step forward for Big Time

Big Time has stood out for offering more than just a simple MMORPG. Its ability to combine the adrenaline of combat with a tangible rewards ecosystem has attracted a committed community that continues to grow.

--- The PVP mode with bets not only adds an exciting dimension to the game, but also reinforces Big Time's proposal as an environment where players can compete, collaborate, and be rewarded for their efforts.

With the launch so close, players are already preparing their teams to face this new challenge. December 2nd will be the day when Big Time demonstrates, once again, why it continues to set trends in the world of multiplayer RPGs.





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