BR1 - The Return of Kill Races and More Rewards


2 months ago




BR1: INFINITE is the world's first risk-based shooter where players pay to spawn and earn by eliminating enemies. With different risk modes ranging from $0.10 to $10.00, this game offers a unique and customizable experience. The more enemies a player eliminates, the greater their earnings.

The game has no defined beginning or end; players can only exit by dying or surviving.

GIF Description

Deposit and Play Bonuses

From January 15 to February 15, players who deposit and play can earn the following rewards:

  • Deposit and play $20: Earn a random weapon skin.
  • Deposit and play $40: Earn a loot box.
  • Deposit and play $100: Earn a droid.
  • Deposit and play $200 (and use it in-game): Earn a monkey.
  • Deposit and play $500: Earn a mystery prize.

Example of $$$ payouts to players
Image 1

The Return of Kill Races

Kill Races are back! Starting Wednesday, January 22, beta testers will compete for USDC rewards on the Kill Race leaderboards.

How Do Kill Races Work?

During each match, eliminations are automatically tracked. Players can check their stats for each tournament here. The more eliminations they achieve, the higher they rank on the leaderboard. The top 50 players share a weekly prize of $500 USDC.

  • Schedule: Each week, there will be 6 consecutive Kill Races, each lasting 8 hours, starting Wednesdays at 2:00 PM (EST) and ending Fridays at 2:00 PM (EST). Additionally, there will be a weekly Kill Race active throughout the week. Rewards are distributed automatically.

This event will take place for three consecutive weeks, with the possibility of extending one more week until February 15.

Exclusive Access

Participation is reserved for Beta Testers. Access to the Kill Race can be obtained by meeting any of the following requirements:

  • Owning a BR1 NFT.
  • Making a deposit.
  • Posting on Twitter requesting access.
  • Asking a moderator for access (low chances).

Sign up and download the game via the following link.

Game Link





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