A new event has arrived in Terra Villa again, and with it, the possibility of obtaining a new pet in Pixels. It is the celebration of the Lunar New Year of the Snake, so the pet, obviously, is precisely a snake.
Therefore, in this article we present the steps to follow to look for the possibility of obtaining this great reward in the company of other smaller ones.
The first thing to do is go to the center of Terra Villa. There you will find Auntie May, who will activate the mission to be able to claim tickets, which can be opened with a left click, just as the gifts of the Christmas event worked.
The quest consists of three basic steps:
Every server reset, Aunt May will give out a golden envelope and several seeds to players with reputation over 2000, and a seed and a red envelope to players with reputation under 2000.
There is the possibility of crafting per unit and in packs of 6 (option that requires VIP). It will have the same expenses in energy and materials. The 6 units take 3 hours in total and the unit takes 30 minutes.
You can deliver as many meatballs as you make in a day, and with that, you can get as many opportunities as you consider. Obviously, this depends on your ability to acquire the materials.
Additionally, in the event store you will find a hat for the character's avatar, which is 70,000 coins. If you have the ability, you should buy it, since in Pixels this system usually works as a gacha and provides reputation at the end of the event.
If you don't have a place to get turkey eggs, land 2218 is one of the best options. Turkeys are fed with a Grainbow Flour and take 1h 25m to provide the egg.
Cabbages can be planted in any type of land, whether it's your personal speack or an NFT land. The same goes for soils: they can be planted in both T1 and T4.
These events that provide a special pet are not very common to find in Pixels. In addition, they represent an opportunity to generate profits or an additional benefit within the gameplay, even more so now that the Pets application is already on the way.
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