Kuroro Closes Wilds Alpha: What's Next for the Game's Future?


9 hours ago




The Kuroro team has decided to cancel the release of Wilds Alpha 2.0, originally scheduled for March 17th. The decision is due to scalability issues in the codebase and the need to focus efforts on the development of Wilds Beta. From now on, the entire team will focus on this new version.

Reasons for the suspension

Kuroro Wilds has been developed on two different engines: Wilds Alpha and Wilds Beta. While Alpha served as an experiment to define the game's direction, its infrastructure lacks key elements such as networking and multiplayer capabilities.

Furthermore, its development engine (GM) has limitations that make it unviable in the long term. A second version of Wilds Alpha was initially planned following the success of its first release, which reached 120,000 daily active users and received positive feedback.

However, after a review of the code status and the team's planning, it was determined that continued investment in Alpha would delay the progress of Wilds Beta. Therefore, it has been decided to shut down Wilds Alpha immediately.

Planning and Next Steps

With the suspension of the Alpha, the team will focus on Wilds Beta, which is planned for release this year. The new roadmap leading up to the Token Generation Event (TGE) will include the following milestones, in no specific date or order:

  • Release of Kuroro Ancients on Ronin

  • Revitalization of Beast Brawl with new features and Play-to-Airdrop (P2A).

  • Migration of Origins to Ronin and Gen2 Beasts.

  • Migration of the Origins staking system to Ronin.

  • Launch of Kuroro Wilds Beta, with new mechanics and a P2A system.

  • Consolidation of the ecosystem, integrating all sources of $KURO into a single account system.

  • Strategic meetings with industry leaders, partners, and investors at GDC in San Francisco.

While the cancellation of Wilds Alpha 2.0 may generate disappointment and uncertainty in the short term, accompanied by dissatisfaction with the rewards of the first test, the decision seeks to optimize resources and ensure the success of Kuroro Wilds Beta.

Alpha served its purpose as a proof of concept, and the focus now turns to expanding and improving the gameplay experience on a more robust platform.

For more details on upcoming releases and updates, we recommend following Kuroro's official channels such as Discord or X. The community will be regularly updated on the progress of the Wilds Beta and other initiatives within the ecosystem.





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equipokurorocancelarlanzamientowilds alpha 20problemasescalabilidadbase de códigodesarrollowilds betaversiónsuspensiónmotoresexperimentodirección del juegoinfraestructuracapacidades de redmultijugadormotor de desarrollogmviabilidadlargo plazosegunda versiónéxitousuarios activos diariosrevisiónestado del códigoplanificaciónavanceinmediatopróximos pasostoken generation eventhoja de rutahitosroninbeast brawlcaracterísticasPlay-to-Airdropmigraciónoriginsgen2 beastssistema de stakingecosistemafuentes de $kurosistema de cuentasreuniones estratégicaslíderes de la industriasociosinversoresgdc de san franciscocancelacióndecepciónincertidumbredescontentorecompensasprueba de conceptoexperiencia de juegoplataforma sólidadetallespróximos lanzamientosactualizacionescanales oficialesdiscordxcomunidadiniciativas

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