My Pet Hooligan Roadmap 2025 and UGC with $KARRAT


10 days ago




The developer studio AMGI Studios has presented the 2025 roadmap for My Pet Hooligan (MPH), detailing the updates and features coming to the game throughout the year. Additionally, they have launched a User-Generated Content (UGC) contest for February, encouraging community participation with $KARRAT rewards.

Game Evolution and Major Changes

Since the release of the first roadmap over three years ago, the team has fulfilled most of its objectives. For 2025, one of the most significant changes will be the transition from a free-to-play model to pay-to-play, expected to take place in March. Players who download the game before this date will keep it for free, while early access will be priced at $9.99 and the official launch at $19.99.


The roadmap also indicates that the game will enter an alpha phase between May and August 2025, where it will remain throughout the year. A beta version is expected in 2026. Additionally, new mechanics such as mini-games, an extraction system, and the integration of ZuckBots—Ethereum NFTs that will serve as companions in the game and have their own mobile game—will be introduced.

Updates for April 2025

In the first quarter of the year, several features are expected to arrive, including a console program, a new website, and a user account system. Trial versions of an AI-powered chat assistant and the Street Kred system will also be implemented. On a community level, players will be able to vote on a cinematic proposal, participate in Coinbase missions, content creator campaigns, marketing events, and game nights. Additionally, the Solo Championship will open registrations for those looking to compete.

My Pet Hooligan UGC Contest

To encourage community participation, AMGI Studios has launched the February UGC contest, where players can create and share content related to My Pet Hooligan on social media platforms such as Twitter/X and YouTube. Submissions can include guides, memes, gameplay clips, fan art, and other creative formats.

Participants can stand out with content such as:

  • Skateboarding guides with tricks, moves, and gameplay advantages.
  • Explanations of game modes with rules, strategies, and tips.
  • Esports and StreetKred content, including tournaments and highlight plays.

To increase their chances of winning, content should be clear, instructional, and aimed at new players and creators, featuring edits, commentary, and step-by-step explanations.

Submissions must be sent through the | #ugc-submission | channel in the game's official Discord server. The UGC Council members will evaluate each entry based on quality, creativity, reach, engagement, and timing. The top 20 creators will be rewarded, with prizes ranging from 500 to 3,000 $KARRAT.

Since this is the first month of the contest, players who cannot participate in time will have future opportunities. A large following is not necessary, as quality and impact are the key factors in winning.

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Currently, My Pet Hooligan is available for free download on PC via the Epic Games Store. Remember that it will become a paid game soon, so get it now for free to secure your place in the future of the game.

Get It Here






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