RavenQuest Creator Program

Yujuuu01 | OLA

5 minutes ago




Tavernlight Games Creator Program (TLGCP)

The Tavernlight Games Creator Program (TLGCP) was established with the goal of supporting and rewarding content creators who foster active communities around the game. The program is currently in active development, and while some verification processes are manual, which may cause delays, its design seeks to maximize value for participants.

General Benefits:

  • In-game rewards.
  • Support for content creation.
  • Recognition within the community.
  • Financial incentives.

Creator Levels

The program is structured into five levels that reflect the creators' progress within the initiative:

  1. Arcane: Initial level for beginners.
  2. Heroic: An advanced stage with higher goals.
  3. Exalted: Intermediate level with significant benefits.
  4. Mythic: High level aimed at creators with growing audiences.
  5. Legendary: The most prestigious level for highly influential creators.

Arcane Level

Description: The entry-level for creators just joining the program.

Content Creation Objectives: Maintain a good-standing account.

Rewards Include:

  • Access to exclusive resources and the Creator Media Kit.
  • Possibility for content promotion on official channels.
  • Twitch Drops: Enables exclusive rewards for the community.
  • Additional financial incentives and referral rewards for managing a Guild.
  • Access to the RavenQuest team, including raids and community stream hosts.

Heroic Level

Requirements: Good-standing account, streaming 2 times per week, 30+ CCV, and chatbot referral commands.

Benefits: Media Kit, Twitch Drops, promotions, giveaways, access to the RavenQuest team and support, Premium patronage, and milestone rewards.

Exalted Level

Requirements: 100+ CCV and meeting previous requirements.

Benefits: Expanded benefits from Heroic level, more giveaways, and support.

Advanced Levels: Mythic and Legendary

Mythic Level

Description: Creators with a stable and growing audience.


  • Good-standing account.
  • Stream at least 2 times per week.
  • 250+ concurrent viewers (CCV).
  • Active referral command in the chatbot.


  • Exclusive resources, Twitch Drops, and official promotion.
  • Lifetime Premium patronage.
  • Milestone rewards and Creator Clash tournaments.
  • Lootbox and personalized companion for successful campaigns.
  • Exclusive campaign access with potential direct payments.
  • Gifted subs and featured stream in Quest Launcher.

Legendary Level

Description: Designed for influential creators with a loyal and large audience.


  • Upload 1 weekly video and stream 2 times per week.
  • 500+ CCV and good-standing account.


  • All Mythic-level benefits expanded.
  • 10x milestone rewards and exclusive giveaways.
  • Direct line to the team for game development feedback.

Personalization and Exclusive Campaigns

Creator Personalization

  • Custom companion branded for the creator (Campaign #2+ milestone; one-time redemption, requires 3 months).
  • Custom Moa skin branded for the creator (Campaign #3+ milestone; one-time redemption, requires 3 months).

Progression Rewards (Multiplied by 4 at this level)

  • Level 15: Non-upgradable Ravenpacks.
  • Levels 30, 45, 60, and 75: Ravencoins.

Exclusive Campaign Access

Legendary creators get priority offers to participate in special campaigns that include direct hourly payment (if available).

How to Join the Program

  1. Create an account: Register on RavenQuest through the official link.
  2. Join Discord: Access the official creator channel.
  3. Apply: Click "Apply now" and complete the application form.
  4. Review: The team will evaluate your application and respond within 10 days.
  5. Access the Program: Once accepted, gain your creator level and start enjoying the benefits.

Apply Now!





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programa de creadorestavernlight gamestlgcpcreadores de contenidocomunidades activasverificación manualvalor para los participantesrecompensas dentro del juegoapoyo para la creación de contenidoreconocimiento dentro de la comunidadincentivos financierosniveles de creadoresarcanoheroicoexaltadomíticolegendariodescripciónobjetivos de creación de contenidorecompensastwitch dropsacceso a recursos exclusivospromoción en canales oficialesreferidosequipo de ravenquestnivel heroicorequisitostransmitir 2 veces por semanaccvcomandos de referenciabeneficioskit de mediospromocionessorteossoporte de ravenquestpatronazgo premiumnivel exaltadobeneficios ampliadosnivel míticoaudiencia estableespectadores concurrentescomando de referenciarecursos exclusivospromoción oficialpatronazgo premium de por vidarecompensas por hitostorneos creator clashlootboxcompañero personalizadocampañas exclusivasnivel legendarioaudiencia lealsubir 1 video semanalrecompensas ampliadaslínea directa con el equiporetroalimentación al desarrollo del juegopersonalización para creadoresskin de moa personalizadarecompensas por progresiónravenpacksravencoinsacceso exclusivo a campañascómo unirse al programacrear una cuentaunirse al discordaplicarrevisiónacceso al programa

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