Nifty Island Update: Changes to P2E and Game Improvements


a month ago




The Nifty Island team has implemented significant changes to the Play-to-Earn (P2E) system and released a game update with new features and major adjustments. These improvements are designed to enhance the player experience and encourage more active participation within the community.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) System Changes

New Earning Rates and Contributions

  • Increased earning rates for stakers: Players with significant ISLAND token stakes will now reach the maximum conversion rate of Blooms to ISLAND faster.
  • Fairer progression: A linear progression system has been adopted, reducing the advantages of splitting stakes across multiple accounts.
  • Legendary Palms contributions: Palms now increase the generated Blooms cap by 25%.

Upcoming system adjustments

Fundamental changes are expected in future updates, including:

  • Reduced benefits for accounts with low or no stakes.
  • New functionalities for Ultra Blades and Legendary Pistols, making these items more valuable within the game ecosystem.
  • Adjustments to how stakes and Palms affect earning rates and reward caps.
  • Implementation of a delegation system, allowing players to manage resources on behalf of others.

How does the Play-to-Earn system work?

The P2E system in Nifty Island is designed to reward players for their in-game activity while maintaining control over ISLAND token inflation. This system uses a 10-day cycle model, where rewards are calculated considering the following main factors:

Bloom Count:

Blooms reflect the player's activities, including:

  • Daily challenges: Completing daily missions in the game.
  • Active gameplay: Participating in matches and activities.
  • Island traffic: Earning Blooms for visits, time, and activities by other players on your island.
  • Quests and special events: Additional rewards for missions and community activities.

Legendary Palms:

Legendary Palms increase the maximum cap of ISLAND tokens a player can earn per cycle. This increase depends on the type and number of Palms owned, with the maximum cap reached when owning an Ultra Palm.

Game Update: New Features and Changes

New Features

  • Customizable lights: Players can add lights to their islands, adjusting color, size, intensity, and other properties to create unique environments.
  • Automatic avatar scaling: Avatars now automatically adjust to the standard size in games, improving clarity during matches.
  • Rotating featured islands: Every 3 hours, featured islands change and receive a 10% Bloom boost, encouraging visits to new destinations.
  • Prop Hunt improvements: Hunters now have a radar to help find targets.
  • New In-Game Chat: Players can now chat with friends, meet new people, and invite players to their islands through the new Chat system.


ISLAND Rewards Panel

The rewards panel allows players to:

  • Monitor Bloom progress.
  • View earnings statistics.
  • Claim rewards at the end of each cycle.
    Now includes a live calculator to facilitate earnings projections.
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equipo de nifty islandsistema play-to-earnp2ejuegofuncionalidadesajustesexperiencia de los jugadoresparticipación activacomunidadtasas de gananciastakerstokens islandtasa máxima de conversiónbloomsprogresión linealventajasdividir las apuestascuentascontribucioneslegendary palmslímite de bloomsajustes en el sistemabeneficiosapuestas bajasítemsecosistema del juegoapuestaspalmslímites de recompensassistema de delegaciónrecursosnifty islandactividadinflación de tokensmodelo basado en ciclosrecuento de bloomsdesafíos diariosjuego activotráfico en islasquests y eventos especialestokens island apostadosluces personalizablesavataresescalado automáticoislas destacadasprop huntradarchat in-gameamigosnuevas personaspanel de recompensasprogreso de bloomsestadísticas de gananciasreclamar recompensascalculadora en vivodiscordnovedades

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