Find out how to progress in Lumiterra through equipment and essences.


3 months ago




How to progress in Lumiterra?

To be able to climb within Lumiterra, you must not only level up your talents, here the most important thing is to create and level up your equipment, who determines what rank you have, since it provides buffs or benefits that make your stay in this adventure more comfortable. It is essential that you remember that the items, as explained in the energy guide, must be used, either to enter the infinite cycle of energy or, in this case, to start using them in progress, creating essences and, with these, equipment.

Difference between energy and essences:

  • Energy: requires 4 items of each object, a total of 12 items per slime, which in energy consumption, becomes 12 energy points.
  • Essences: requires a total of 5 items of each object, a total of 15 items per essence, which in energy consumption, becomes 15 energy points.

Also, remember that the crafting system is not linear, but requires the other professions to be able to equip yourself in the one you really want, that is:

  • To create combat equipment, two farming essences are required.
  • For farming equipment, two gathering essences are required.
  • For gathering equipment, two combat essences are required.

You won't be able to level up or progress within the same profession you're farming. So what options do you have?

Tier 1

Option 1: Farm the three talents one by one

You farm the three talents one by one and you build all the equipment organically, but very slowly, to then start to go up to tier 2.

In this system, what I recommend is to farm gathering and combat at the same time, so that, for every 12 energy spent on gathering, you craft more energy, with which and taking into account the possible surplus that it gives, the combat items will be farmed, which will be used to create the gathering equipment.

This means that you acquire EXP in two talents to later level them up. That you will be able to equip yourself more quickly in the gathering talent and above all, that you will be able to start gathering materials (seeds) to farm farmer, since by chopping, cutting or killing, there is the possibility of dropping these.

Option 2: Sell the essences you farm

You sell the essences you farm and with that, you buy the one you like the most, from the talent you want to scale. Keep in mind that not all essences have the same price, so do your own calculations before making the game decision that best suits you.

The NPCs to create the equipment you will find in the central point of the town, they are:

  • Silas (gathering)
  • Terrance (agriculture)
  • Nash (combat).

Tier 2 onwards

From tier 2 onwards it becomes a little more complex to want to equip and progress, since to make an item it will now ask you for:

  • 2 essences of its corresponding level of the talent that it always depended on.
  • 2 essences of a lower level of the other talent. For example, to craft a level 2 farming item, you will need two level 2 gathering essences, which is what it always needs, and additionally, two tier 1 combat essences as a complement. Obviously, it will always require the other branches, never the same talent that you want to create the equipment with.


Remember that, in order to create the equipment, you need to level up the corresponding talent, that is: If I want to get level 2 equipment, you will only be able to unlock its crafting and even more important, you will only be able to equip it if you are at least level 2 in the talent.

  • When deciding whether to craft essences from scratch or buy and craft them, remember that in the case of body equipment, from gloves to boots, there is a chance of losing essences, in the sense that it gives us a skin, and not the equipment itself. Skins do not provide any stats, they are just decorative.

Craft, equip, and master your way to the top!





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