Harvest Hustle: Farming and Crafting Competition in Terra Villa


5 days ago




The Harvest Hustle event has begun in Terra Villa, offering the chance to show off your farming and crafting skills. During the event, participants will be required to gather resources, craft items, and compete for a spot on the leaderboard to earn rewards in Pixels.

Event Date

  • Start: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (UTC)

  • End: Sunday, March 9, 2025 (UTC)

How to Participate

Players must complete farming and crafting tasks to earn points and climb the leaderboard. To participate, follow these steps:

  • Talk to NPC Jorge Grassias to begin the quest and receive rewards for completing the quests.

  • Use the Crafting Station to craft items and deposit them into the well, accumulating points on the leaderboard.

  • Take advantage of the Blade Buttresser, a special ingredient that doubles the points earned by crafted items (available in the shop for 10 $PIXEL, with a limit of 20 per day).

  • Use reward multipliers that increase $PIXEL earnings at the end of the event:

40% multiplier. Costs 60 Pixels

60% multiplier. Costs 150 Pixels

both can be combined to achieve a 100% bonus

Harvesting and Crafting

To earn points, players must complete crafting tasks and deposit items into the well. There are four difficulty levels:

  • Harvest Hustle Haystack (+10 points): 1 Harvest Hay, 1 Silk Rope.

  • Harvest Hustle Rake (+25 points): 2 Harvest Hay, 5 Whittlewood Log, 1 Silk Rope.

  • Harvest Hustle Wheelbarrow (+50 points): 4 Harvest Hay, 5 Copperite Screw, 10 Irontite Bar.

  • Harvest Hustle Worth More Wheelbarrow (+100 points): 4 Harvest Hay, 5 Copperite Screw, 10 Irontite Bar, 1 Blade Buttresser.

Event Rewards

There are two types of rewards. Mission rewards, where all players can obtain these items by crafting items.

  • Harvest Hustle Hay Bale (Decoration).

  • Harvest Hustler鈥檚 Basket (Accessory).

  • Harvest Hustler鈥檚 Costume (Suit).

Leaderboard Rewards. Only the top performing players on the leaderboard will receive these rewards.

  • 1st place: Scaregrowier Sculpture (6% Farming Industry), Tractor Haybale Decoration, and $PIXEL rewards.

  • 2nd-6th place: Scaregrow Sculpture (4% Farming Industry), Harvest Haybale Decoration, and $PIXEL rewards.

  • 7th-25th place: 10th GachaBox 2 and $PIXEL.

  • 26th-99th place: 7th GachaBox 1 and $PIXEL.

  • 100th-999th place: 5th GachaBox 1 and $PIXEL.

  • Positions 1000-2000: 3 GachaBox 1.

New Harvest Hustle Crates

Starting Thursday, between 19:00 and 21:00 UTC, new crates will be available in the shop, each priced at 5 $PIXEL (limited to 25 per day).

Box Contents:

  • 6 Scaregrow Sculptures (4% Farming Industry).

  • 2 Sunflower Decorations.

  • Harvest Haystacks (10+ points for ranking).

Harvest Rake quest items.

A new CD for the Christmas event radio.

Oil Slicks: Exclusive boosters from the event crafting station, allowing you to finish crafting immediately.

Harvest Hustle is a new take on live events, which aims to bring a new dynamic to the end game and gives players the opportunity to compete, improve their crafting performance, and earn rewards in turn.





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agriculturaartesan铆aeventoharvest hustleTerra Villahabilidadesrecursosclasificaci贸nrecompensasPixelsfecha del eventoparticiparnpc jorge grassiasmisi贸ntareas de cultivofabricaci贸npuntostabla de clasificaci贸nestaci贸n de creaci贸nobjetospozoblade buttressermultiplicadores de recompensabonificaci贸nrecolecci贸nniveles de dificultadharvest hustle haystackharvest hustle rakeharvest hustle wheelbarrowharvest hustle worth more wheelbarrowrecompensas del eventorecompensas de misi贸nharvest hustle hay baleharvest hustler鈥檚 basketharvest hustler鈥檚 costumerecompensas por clasificaci贸nscaregrowier sculpturetractor haybale decorationgachaboxnuevas cajastiendacontenido de las cajasesculturas scaregrowdecoraciones de girasolesharvest haystacksobjetos de la misi贸n harvest rakecd para la radiooil slicksdin谩micajuego finalcompetirmejorar desempe帽oobtener recompensas

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