Ubisoft announces Rainbow Six Siege X and future updates.


5 days ago




Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six Siege X, marking the beginning of a new era for its popular tactical shooter. During the Six Invitational 2025 event, the company revealed that this update will bring significant gameplay changes, along with visual and sound improvements.


Event Details

On March 13, Ubisoft will host the Siege X Showcase, a special live-streamed event from Atlanta. This event will provide a unique experience where key details about the update will be revealed, including new gameplay mechanics, strategic adjustments, and other important features.

The event can be followed through Ubisoft's official channels on platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Developers will participate, explaining the changes and answering community questions. Additionally, there will be live match segments showcasing Rainbow Six Siege X's new features in action.


Year 10 Kickoff and New Season

Coinciding with the event, Year 10 of the game will begin with the first season: Operation Prep Phase. This update will introduce Rauora, an attacking operator from New Zealand, whose signature gadget is the D.O.M. Launcher. This device adds new strategic options by deploying bulletproof panels on doors, providing greater control over sightlines and map movement.

Players can unlock Rauora starting March 13 through the new season’s Battle Pass or via Renown or R6 Credits two weeks after launch.


Future of Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft has stated that Rainbow Six Siege X is not a direct sequel but an evolution of the original title aimed at modernizing its gameplay and expanding its community. Although not officially confirmed, speculation suggests the game might adopt a free-to-play model, offering free content with microtransaction options.

Stay updated on this game by following the official Rainbow 6 Siege and Ubisoft accounts.

X - Rainbow6 X - Ubisoft






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