Realms of Alurya on Treasure Mainnet


a month ago




Realms of Alurya is now available on Treasure Mainnet. This action RPG combines dungeon exploration mechanics, island management, and player-driven economy. Here’s everything you need to know about this free-to-play experience with blockchain integration.

Key Launch Features

Dungeon Exploration

Players can face enemies, use their skills, and discover treasures in the dungeons. Each expedition consumes 1 energy point, and 1 free point is regenerated every 6 hours, with a maximum limit of 4 points. For those who can’t wait, there’s an option to purchase additional energy.

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Pet Skills

Pets provide certain advantages during adventures. These skills include combat boosts, unlocking exclusive content, and progression in specific quests. Pets can be acquired from the in-game store as exclusive NFTs or found as rare rewards in dungeons in the form of pet eggs.

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Island Management

Each player is granted a free plot of land, but the greatest benefits come from owning an NFT island. These islands allow players to access breeding stations, NFT generation, and other advanced features. Additionally, these stations can be rented out to earn passive income in the $SNG token.

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Aluryan Pets

Genesis Pets

Genesis Pets are fundamental in Realms of Alurya. They represent the initial tier (Tier 1) and are limited to 3,200 units per type, distributed between the in-game store and dungeon rewards.

Key Details:

  • Each Genesis Pet has 1 fertility point, allowing a single breeding.
  • These pets are essential for game progression and offer exclusive advantages.
  • Growth and breeding times have been reduced to facilitate collection expansion.


Additional Updates

Synergy Vault System

The Synergy Vault allows players to deposit and withdraw their NFTs for use in-game or store them in their Treasure wallet. Deposited NFTs are directly accessible in the game, simplifying the user experience.

Competitions and Exclusive Rewards

The launch includes a competition for the most dedicated players. The first to reach levels 6, 8, and 10 will receive special rewards such as:

  • Energy Cores
  • Love Elixirs
  • Seeds of Evolution (SoE)

To participate, players must check their rank on the in-game level board and claim their prize through a ticket in the Discord support channel.

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How to Start

  1. Download the launcher: Available on the official Realms of Alurya website.
  2. Install the game: Follow the instructions to immerse yourself in this vibrant fantasy world.
  3. Join the community: Participate in the events and activities available on the official Discord server.


For more information and inquiries, join their Discord and follow their social media channels

Official X Official Discord






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