This week on Ronin Network


2 months ago




This week on Ronin Network, we highlight new projects, important updates, and events shaping the ecosystem. From new games to innovations in the network, here’s everything you need to know to stay updated.

Operation Leviosa: Ronin Opens Up to New Projects!

Ronin Network is taking a significant step toward openness and decentralization. Starting in February 2025, the network will become permissionless, meaning any developer will be able to launch their own project without prior permission or approval. This change has the potential to transform the network, allowing for greater innovation and the creation of new ecosystems within Ronin.

Official Ronin Post


Kanstar: Rarity and 1/1 NFT Reveal

On January 12, Kanstar, a highly anticipated game within Ronin, began revealing the rarities of its NFT capsules. These capsules contain everything from Common to Legendary NFTs, and players will have to wait until January 15 to see if they are lucky enough to receive a 1/1 NFT, a unique token that could have high value within the Ronin economy.

In addition to their collectible value, holders of these Kanstar NFTs will receive exclusive benefits, such as airdrops from other Ronin projects and access to whitelists for future NFT launches. Kanstar developers also plan to host exclusive events, where players can win prizes and participate in unique experiences.

Kanstar Reveal


Pixel Dungeons: Now Free!

Pixel Dungeons, one of the most popular games on the Ronin network, made an important change by making the game accessible without requiring prior reputation. This means that any player can now join the game without needing to meet specific conditions, opening the door for more participation.

In Pixel Dungeons, players face dungeons filled with enemies and traps while collecting $PIXEL, the game’s token. It also introduces a PvP battle system where players can face off for rewards and test their combat skills.

Ronin Launches Its AI Agent

In a move towards integrating artificial intelligence into its ecosystem, Ronin has launched its own AI Agent, known as jaihoz. This agent is the first of many AI-driven projects being developed to enhance user experience within the network.

As part of the launch, if you held an NFT on Ronin, you may have received an airdrop of $JAIHOZ, the token associated with this new AI agent. $JAIHOZ will not only be used for interactions within the Ronin ecosystem but will also be a utility coin for participating in future initiatives within the network.

Memecoins: New Market Coming Soon

Ronin is working on creating a memecoin marketplace, in collaboration with MokuHQ. This market will allow users to buy, sell, and trade memecoins, which have gained popularity on social media and within the cryptocurrency world.

With the growing demand for memecoins and their impact on the digital economy, this market promises to become a new hub of activity for memecoin enthusiasts. Players will be able to explore new investment and trading opportunities within the Ronin ecosystem.

MokuHQ Official Post


Moku Wallet: Discord Integration

Moku_HQ has taken an important step by integrating a native wallet within Discord. This integration will allow players to manage their NFTs and cryptocurrencies directly from Discord, making it easier to participate in different projects within the Ronin network.

An exciting aspect of this integration is that Moki Genesis NFTs (one of the most coveted digital assets in Ronin) will have early access to the new functionality. Holders of these NFTs will also receive exclusive benefits.

MokuHQ Official Post


Runiverse Stress Test: Don't Miss It!

Runiverse, one of Ronin's most ambitious projects, will conduct a stress test from January 14 to 17. During this event, players will be able to explore new dungeons and face special challenges that will test both their skills and the game's infrastructure.

In addition to the chance to win exclusive NFT skins, participants in the stress test will have an advantage when the game officially launches. This test will be a unique opportunity to experience new game mechanics and earn rare rewards before the game is open to the general public.

Runiverse Official Post


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X - Ronin





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