3 months ago




Kanstar is a new NFT collection aimed at reviving 4444 canine souls through a unique process in the Ronin Network universe. This project not only focuses on the NFT collection, but also offers a series of benefits for Kanstar holders, such as participation in related businesses and access to exclusive events.}

What is Kanstar?

Kanstar is a collection of 4444 NFTs representing Kanstars, canine beings resurrected through an incubation process in capsules. Through this collection, players can acquire one of these NFTs and become part of a cosmic universe where blockchain technology and video game culture will merge.

In addition to being a collection project, Kanstar offers its holders the opportunity to participate in profits from businesses related to the brand, such as streetwear and educational books, and access to playable characters within Ronin Games. They will also enjoy benefits like exclusive whitelists for future launches.

Important Mint Dates

The mint of Kanstar NFTs will take place at Mavis Launchpad on January 3rd. This process will be divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1 (Private Presale): 9 AM EST
  • Stage 2 (Whitelist Mint): 10 AM EST
  • Stage 3 (Public Mint): 11 AM EST
  • Each NFT will cost 33 $RON, and up to 5 NFTs per address can be minted if whitelist allocation is available.
Official Kanstar X Video


Kanstar Reveal Process

The reveal process for Kanstars will be gradual:

  • Phase 1: On January 3rd, the mint of the Kanstar Genesis Primordial Cells will take place.
  • Phase 2: On January 12th, the incubation process will begin, where players will discover the rarity of their Kanstar.
  • Phase 3: On January 15th, all Kanstars will be fully revealed, including unique 1/1 versions.


Benefits for Kanstar Holders

Holders of a Kanstar NFT will have access to various benefits, including:

  • Participation in profits from Kanstar-related businesses, such as streetwear, educational blockchain books, and toy royalties.
  • A unique PFP to represent their Kanstar on the network.
  • Playable characters within Ronin Games.
  • Access to exclusive whitelists and presales.
  • Participation in VIP events organized by the Kanstar community.


Kanstar Lore

The Kanstar Lore tells the story of a planet that was destroyed by an alien invasion. Amid this destruction, a being known as the Architect, guardian of ancient secrets, seeks to recover the Canis Amber, a sacred relic containing the Primordial Cells necessary to revive his race. After years of searching, the Architect launches Project HOPE, bringing back 4444 canine souls, starting a new era for his people.


Join the Kanstar Community

Players interested in being part of this unique project can join the Kanstar community and participate in the NFT mint. Kanstar offers not only collectibles, but a complete experience within the Ronin blockchain, with exclusive benefits for its members.




Kanstar X





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