This week started with a big change in the Pixels meta, in which obtaining energy requires integrating various skills, making wines the central axis of chapter 2.5 so far, in which according to Luke and Heidi, they will have a greater impact when the merchant ships arrive.
Production of glass bottles: to make wines, you will now need a glass bottle that can be produced in Stoneshaping, to make it you will need glass, which is obtained by melting Gravelglass Matrix. The good thing about this is that it can be made from Tier 1 to level 10.
Wines from tier 2 onwards also require Berry Blast.
Mash Production: New mash recipes have been added to the cooking skills that will be used as ingredients in some wine recipes:
Popberry Mash: 10 Popberry, 10 Cooking mix, 5 Honey and 3 Silk Slug Slime. Tier 1, level 10. Clover Mash: 10 Clovers, 10 Cooking mix, 7 Honey and 4 Silk Slug Slime. Tier 2, level 20.
Napricot Mash: 10 Napricot, 10 Cooking mix, 10 Honey and 5 Silk Slug Slime. Tier 3, Level 40.
Recipe Unlocks: Wines are unlocked at the same business level as the equivalent seed in farming (e.g. Scarrot Wine is unlocked at level 60 to match the unlock level of the Scarrot Seed)
Wine Recipe Levels: Wine recipes now follow the level system: 0-19 (T1), 20-39 (T2), 40-59 (T3), 60-79 (T4)
Farming Requirements: T2 through T4 wines now require farming Main + a lower tier crop. Which makes the crafting process a bit more complicated, however, the energy it gives now greatly exceeds what it asks for. However, the winery industry is still single-use, meaning you have to grind to be able to craft wines beyond tier 1.
Energy Gain Adjustments: Energy gain has been increased for most wines, except Grainshine, which has a slight decrease.
Production Times: Wine production times range from 12 minutes to 60 minutes per unit, bulk crafting will still be disabled.
Progression Balance: Progression on energy gained, energy used, and XP awarded across all wine tiers has been improved. It's actually a bit easier to level up in business now in terms of XP earned, but the difficulty comes in actually getting industry.
Amidst this update that drastically changes the game's meta, an adjustment was also made to the $PIXEL rewards to round up to a whole $PIXEL unless they are less than 1. Find out about more upcoming changes with the recap of the AMA of the week
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