Axie Infinity integrates Ronin Waypoint into the App.Axie


2 months ago




One of the pioneering games in the blockchain ecosystem, Axie Infinity, has taken a significant step towards availability and convenience by integrating Ronin Waypoint into App.Axie. This new feature makes the player experience easier by eliminating the complications of traditional wallets, allowing them to focus on what really matters: enjoying and playing.

What is Ronin Waypoint and what does it bring to App.Axie?

Ronin Waypoint is a universal system of accounts and wallets designed for the Ronin network. This system allows players to easily connect to the web3 ecosystem without worrying about seed phrases or extensions. It also incorporates functions such as:

  • Simplified login: Register with your email or social networks like Google, Apple, or Facebook.
  • Hassle-free NFT management: Manage your assets smoothly.
  • Gas-free transactions: Compatible blockchain games offer sponsored transactions that do not require gas fees.

Benefits for App.Axie Users

The integration of Ronin Waypoint brings significant advantages:

  • Instant switching between wallets: Switch between your traditional seed phrase wallet and the keyless wallet directly from App.Axie.
  • Sponsored gas-free transactions: Up to 10,000 daily transactions and 70,000 weekly transactions are covered for Waypoint users.
  • New interface design: You can now easily view the status of your Axies, including delegations, forges, evolutions, and higher offers, all in a simplified UI card.
  • $RON token balance: Your $RON balance is now clearly visible in the inventory panel, making it easier to manage your funds.

Getting Started with Ronin Waypoint

The process to use

Ronin Waypoint on App.Axie is simple:

  • Go to the official App.Axie page.
  • Click on the login button and select "Login with Ronin Waypoint".
  • Authorize access and you're all set, your account will be configured.

If you already have a Ronin wallet, you can switch to the keyless wallet from your profile using a specially designed button. Just keep in mind that each wallet will only display assets linked to it, so you will need to add funds to the keyless wallet to make transactions on App.Axie.

New Features on the Way

While Ronin Waypoint offers an optimized experience, some functions such as bulk buying, group delegations, and opening Garuda Pouches are not yet fully optimized. The Sky Mavis team recommends performing these actions in small quantities if you encounter any issues.

Furthermore, Ronin continues to expand its ecosystem with innovations like Moku Pouch, the first native Discord wallet for web3, currently in its early phase.

The integration of Ronin Waypoint on App.Axie represents a new stage in simplifying access to the web3 ecosystem. With features that eliminate technical barriers, Sky Mavis is making playing and managing blockchain assets easier and more accessible for everyone.

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