RavenQuest will officially launch on March 14.


10 days ago




RavenQuest is an open-world MMORPG that combines exploration, combat, and a player-driven economy with blockchain technology. This title, well-known in the Web3 community, has already scheduled its official launch for 2025. Keep reading for more details.

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RavenQuest launches globally on March 14

The time has come. RavenQuest, the MMORPG with blockchain integration, will be available worldwide on March 14. This game offers one of the most comprehensive experiences in the Web3 world, combining exploration, puzzles, a player-driven economy, and combat.

A roadmap detailing upcoming content and updates for the year will be revealed soon. The community can expect new features and improvements that will continue expanding the RavenQuest universe.

Official Launch Trailer

Don't miss the official launch trailer.


What is RavenQuest?

RavenQuest is a sandbox MMORPG with blockchain integration, available on PC and mobile devices via Immutable. The game is completely free and offers total player freedom.

Players can claim lands, customize characters with RavenCards, gather resources and craft equipment, and engage in open-world combat.

The archetype system allows players to switch playstyles without restrictions, with up to three active archetypes at a time. Additionally, professions go beyond combat, enabling gathering and crafting for trading purposes.

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The economy is based on the Tradepacks system, where players transport goods by land or sea to obtain Silver and rare materials. To do this, they can use Moas, carts, and customizable ships.

PvP is optional but offers great rewards in duels, guild wars, and raids. Owning land grants access to exclusive resources and a share of the $QUEST supply.

Players can enhance their abilities with RavenCards, while guilds can acquire Crests to gain additional benefits.

For more information, visit the game in our catalog: Raven Quest

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Raven Quest held and streamed its first live tournament, where the official launch date was announced. This event took place in São Paulo, Brazil, opening the door to future events and more tournaments.

Recently, after its latest testing phase, discussions have arisen about bringing this game to mobile devices. It has already been tested on Android, and efforts are underway to bring it to iOS as soon as possible. Read more in the following article

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