Pixel Heroes Adventure - What to Expect in 2025?


2 months ago




The Pixel Heroes Adventure (PHA) team has presented its detailed plan for 2025, highlighting a series of updates, events, and new features aimed at improving the player experience and fostering ecosystem growth.

January: Task Renovation and Lunar New Year Event

Task Board Renovation (January 22):
The task system will be revamped to offer players more opportunities to earn additional PlayPoints and Keys. Additionally, an exclusive withdrawal coupon for $MGT will be included as a reward.

Lunar New Year Event (January 22):
This event will celebrate the Lunar New Year with unique activities and rewards. During the celebration, players can enjoy exclusive Life Content and new PVP features.

Dark Summoning System (January 22):
The ability to sacrifice primordial HeroZ to summon Elite HeroZ will be introduced. These Elite HeroZ offer higher PlayPoints earnings, multipliers, and gameplay performance improvements.

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First Quarter: New Campaigns and Adventure Land NFTs

Play-to-Airdrop (P2A) Campaign:
The first rewards will be distributed via $ADVTR tokens, which will remain off-chain until the token generation event (TGE).

Referral Royalties Program:
This program will start with a select group of partners who will receive a share of the revenue generated by referred players.

Adventure Land NFTs:
NFTs will be launched to expand the PHA world, allowing players to use HeroZ to collect resources, manage villages, and explore dungeons. Landowners will have the ability to discover new areas and generate income within the game.

Second Quarter: ToyZ, PVP, and Guild Updates

ToyZ Transcendence System:
A mechanic to upgrade ToyZ will be introduced, allowing players to increase their abilities and give them new visual designs. This update encourages ToyZ personalization and offers more options for advanced strategies.

PVP Updates:
There will be two new PVP modes:

  • Field PVP: Battles against monsters and elite bosses.
  • 1vs1 PVP: Ranked duels including exclusive rewards and leaderboards.

Guild Content:
Cooperative raids to defeat powerful bosses will be added, along with shared tasks, strategic expeditions, and a research lab. Custom tokens for each guild will also be introduced, creating a collaborative in-game economy.

GIF Description

8-Player Raids and Rotating Events

Cooperative Raids:
Group challenges for 8 players will be added, with new bosses every three weeks. These raids will feature dynamic mechanics promoting collaboration and strategic planning.

Weekly Rotating Events:
Players will be able to take part in themed challenges, special missions, and earn additional rewards, with new events changing each week.

Stay tuned for future updates and the future of Pixel Heroes, join their Discord for more information.






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equipo de pixel heroes adventurephaplan detallado2025actualizacioneseventosnuevas funcionesjugadorescrecimiento del ecosistemarenovación de las tareasevento de año nuevo lunarsistema de tareasoportunidades de ganar playpointskeys adicionalescupón exclusivoretiro de $mgtcontenido exclusivolife contentfuncionalidades de pvpsistema de invocación oscurasacrificar heroz primordialeselite herozganancias de playpointsmultiplicadoresrendimiento del juegonuevas campañasnfts de adventure landrecompensas$advtr tokensoff-chainevento de generación de tokensprograma de regalías por referidosingresos generadosjugadores referidostoyzpvpguildspvp de camporecompensas exclusivastablas de clasificaciónincursiones cooperativasjefes poderosostareas compartidasexpediciones estratégicaslaboratorio de investigacióntokens personalizadosgremiosistema económico colaborativoraids de 8 jugadoreseventos rotativosdesafíos grupalesjefescolaboraciónplanificación estratégicaeventos rotativos semanalesretos temáticosmisiones especialesrecompensas adicionalesdiscord

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