The mint of Sabong Saga has arrived!

Yujuuu01 | OLA

2 months ago




On January 17th, the minting of the Sabong Saga Genesis NFTs took place. This collection consists of 2,222 exclusive chickens, the most coveted and glorious in the Sabong Saga universe. These chickens are immortal and defy death.

Each chicken has 6 parts, and each part has a 6.9% chance of obtaining a legendary part.

These legendary traits are inspired by mythological birds from Southeast Asia, such as the Ibong Adarna from the Philippines, the Garuda from Indonesia, and the Chim Lạc from Vietnam, as a tribute to Ronin's most active user base.

The Genesis collection offers the best chance to mint chickens with legendary traits, but this is not the only opportunity to own a legendary chicken.

Second Collection

For those players who did not acquire an NFT in this minting, there is still the launch of a second collection. This collection will be released before the game begins, giving more players the chance to join the world of Sabong Saga. However, the probability of legendary traits in the second collection is much lower, with less than 0.5% chance for each part.

Sabong Saga





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